My Pain#4

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Some people think they know me but they don't know the truth some say how are u I say sit down n let me tell u after I'm finished they say they know my pain but they don't know the full extent cause I'm not one to show my full emotions life has beat me in so many ways n there's no one to blame but I'm thankful cause it gave me clarity of reality learnt a lot of things along the way met n wave people goodbye who'd said they'd stay sometimes I question God n ask him why my life had to be this way people see me with a happy face but they don't know my strain I went to school study my books n graduated with some subjects but still can't find a decent job I just get so upset some people in this life will try to use n refuse u n I know cause that's what I'm used to I felt alone so I said why not find a girlfriend found many but as it started felt like it ended I realized she stop calling me I ask her what's happening boo haven't heard from u in a long time n I'm missing u she replied I'm leaving u I'm like why don't u know I love u n there's no one I put above u I'd die for u I'd kill for u u'r the one I always come home to whether it's raining or the sun is shining u'r my life line but still u walk away but I'm like OK life is full of mistakes just wish I hadn't made this one so my heart wouldn't break this way I swear my life is like a frame without a picture I had to do some regretful things just to survive I'm surprised I haven't landed in a grave sometimes I feel like I'm drowning n I'm choking tell people that n they think I'm joking my life style is a wreck sometimes I want to reason with death so I get a little more time to have my family out of all my wishes that would be my best if I had a son he'd be a King if I had a daughter she'd be a Queen I'd try to teach them everything life is a gamble roll the dice u only get one chance u won't born twice if u get rich please don't switch remember where u coming from that's the key work hard n u'll achieve every possibility u can be successful it don't have to stay a dream my life's a mess I'm so stress I still don't know what I want be but I'll work hard I'll do my best got a girl she hardly reads my messages so sad cause she's the one I say I'd flex with told her I'd give her my life but still she's with another guy that doesn't love her the way I do but fuck it she'll get what's coming to her my father's always on the road my brother is in a home my sister's arguing telling me she feel alone sometimes I feel like crying when I tell her I love her she says I'm lying but it's not true U, Me n Bro we're all we have in this world to tell u the truth I'm not happy but as long as we have each other we'll face anything that comes our way there'll be disappointments alone the way but we'll gain strength from them with each given day.

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