Chapter 26

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Kaityln POV...

Xavier and I were in the living room on the couch all cuddled up. The door bell rang... I wonder who is it. One of our maids answered the door and she said, "Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix there is someone here to meet you."

"Send them in." Xavier said.

Just then Tom walked in.

"Hey there," Tom said.

"Hello," I replied.

"What brings you to these parts?" Xavier asked with a chuckle.

"I have some information and I want to ask a few questions that may help with the case. I'm sorry it's taking so long." He said.

"Okay so what you got for us?" I asked. Tom took a seat...

"We tested the knife we found, it came back positive for Xavier's blood. So it's certain that's the tool used to stab you." He said.

"I had a feeling so." I added.

"Did you find out who the stabber is?" Xavier asked.

"Oh Yeah, amm I have a picture of a guy we assume to be the stabber." He further said. Then he took out his phone and showed us a picture of a guy... He looks familiar...

"Have either of you seen this guy around here?" Tom asked.

"Have either of you seen this guy around here?" Tom asked

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"OH MY GOD!" I said

"Babe, Are you Okay?" Xavier asked with concern.

"He was a patient of mines. He had some bruises and wounds. He was mean and very impatient. He has a deep voice though." I mentioned.

"My attacker had a deep voice." Xavier stated...

"Well, we are pretty sure that that's our guy." Tom said.

"Yeah," I murmered. I'm trying to remember who he is. Like whats his name and where he's from?

"Do you remember anything about him?" Tom inquired.

"I'm trying to remember but there is no memory of what his name is. Maybe when I go to work tomorrow I'll look at the records." I state.

"Okay... I'll look into it also. But if you remember anything let me know." He said.

"Okay No problem."

"I heard about the fight." Tom mentioned.

"Yeah, well I didn't tell him to show up here." Xavier replied.

"Let me know if he comes again or if he does anything to the both of you." Tom indicated.

"Sure," I replied...

"Well, I must get going," Tom said, he stood up and was ready to leave. He shook our hands and headed to the door.
He left...

****Time Skip****

Next Day...

I told Xavier goodbye and I left for work. I can't believe that I was there in a room with who may be Xavier's stabber. Like What? I did realise something was off with him. And the thing is that he came in when Xavier was in the hospital too..

I arrived at the hospital, I parked and headed inside. I have to find the records for the past week, to see if I find that guy.

I asked the nurse at the front desk to look up the records of the patients for the past week...

It took like about 10 minutes. I looked through and this name came across me.

Tyler Ross..  this got me thinking. I'll call Tom and tell me what I found, maybe he can be able to get a better record of this person.

On the phone...

Tom: Bold
Me: Italics


"Hey Tom, It's me Mrs. Hendrix."

"Oh hey there, is everything okay?"

"Well, you remember I told you I'll look at the records of the patients."

"Yeah,  I remembered. What you got?"

"I came across this person by the name of Tyler Ross."

"Tyler Ross? Anyways I'll take a look and try to find out more about him."

"Okay, Because we only have his name and what injuries he sustained. He didn't stay long so there isn't much about him."

"It's Okay, You helped alot. Thank you... I'll keep in touch."

"Yeah okay."

The call ended. At least I helped... I wonder who this Tyler Ross is..

Just then Zidane and Zara walked in.

"Hey hun," she said while giving me a hug.

"Hey love," I replied.

"Hey Kaityln," Zidane said.

"Hello, whats up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, How is everything with you?" He asked.

"Well it's been stressful lately." I mentioned.

"Is everything okay though." Zara asked.

"Well it's alot to explain." I state.

"We have time... We don't have any patients till this evening. So you can tell us." Zidane spoke..

We headed to the lounge. And we took a seat around a table. I explained everything to them. Like the Tyler guy I found out about.
They were surprised that all these things were happening and I didn't even tell them.

"Hey, How many times did we tell you that you can come talk to us anytime?" Zidane spoke.

I didn't answer.

"Yeah Hun, you shouldn't keep all this inside you, we are here for you no matter what." Zara added.

"Okayy. I didn't want to get y'all worried." I mentioned.

"You wouldn't worry us. We are here for us. We are your friends. Zara here is your best friend.. And friends stick together..." Zidane said which actually make sense.

I nod and smile. I can't believe I have friends that care so much about me. They make sure that I am okay and that things are fine. These are friends to keep..

We talked for a while about what I should do and I shouldn't let this get to me. That everything will work out in the end.


Hello Peeps...

Any ideas as to what would happen next?
If any please let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments... Who knows I may put your idea in the story? And I may give shout outs...

Anyways.. Enjoy reading..

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Emma Baksh🙄

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