Chapter 42

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Kaityln POV...

Damn, I can feel that Xavier is up to something. I just know it. After a day out with my parents, it was time for me to go home.

After 40 minutes of driving, we are finally here at my house. My parents park and we made our way to the front door. Where I opened it and we entered... And guess what, the lights were off and it was completely pitch black.

All of a sudden, the lights came on,


"SURPRISE!" is what I heard out loud and confetti was thrown into the air. My friends and family were gathered around. And in the middle of all of them Xavier was standing with a bouquet of red roses.

I was in shock. Then balloons starting falling from the ceiling... Damn... This is awesome. I knew Xavier was up to something and this is what he was planning.

I walked up to Xavier and hugged him.
"Damn, I didn't expect this at all..." I said.

"I know you wouldn't. Are you surprised?" He asked.

"Of course I am." I replied.

"Happy birthday my love!" He said while giving me the roses.

"Thank you. " I replied with my smile and I gave him another hug.

He gave me a passionate kiss on the lips...

"Okay love birds... Let's party..." Zidane said.

We pull away and he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead...

I received hugs, gifts and birthday greetings from every one... This is an awesome surprise..
Xavier hugged me from behind and told me that he has something for me.

He pulled out a cute, nicely wrapped box. And he gave it to me.
I wonder what does it have in it...

I thanked him and I opened it cuz I'm curious..

"Oh My God!" I said in surprise.

"Oh My God!" I said in surprise

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It was a necklace... (picture above)


"I love it..." I smiled.

"I'm glad that you do." He replied. I gave him a kiss...

Xavier POV...

I am so glad that she likes her surprise. The rest of the evening we just enjoyed the night with family and friends.

She enjoyed it... And it made me happy to see that she is back... She is herself again...

****Time Skip****

After the party, everyone went home. Kaityln  and I just enjoyed the rest of the night. We couldn't stop talking about what I did for her to make her day special and one to remember. After talking and laughing, we went to bed...

Next Day...

Kaityln POV...

I was in my room waiting for Xavier to show up cuz I was alone home since he went to work and had an important meeting that lasted all day. All ofa sudden, I was startled by this loud noice that was coming from downstairs. Lots of thoughts raced through my mind like a sports car in a race. I grabbed a baseball bat. Xavier used to play baseball back in the day...

Anyways I exited the room. I was frighten as to what that sound would be. I was trembling like a leaf as I descended the stairs. The atmosphere was like I entered a haunted house and the feeling was mutual. The blood that runs through my veins was boiling in my system. I was at the bottom of the stairs when the sound of footsteps was eminent. This fright was getting on my nerves. I made my way to the origin of the sound. Holding the bat firmly, I squared my shoulders and steadied the bat in my shaky hand ready to swing.

Just then a dark shadow approached me. Some light prepped through the window and the shadow became visible. It was a built human figure all dressed in black and a mask covering the face. I couldn't believe my eyes as I let out a squeal. My heart pounded against my chest. With that, I swong the bat and wacked the figure with the bat on his head catching him off guard causing him to land on the floor with a loud bang. I dropped the bat and I stood there breathless as I felt as though a million volts surged through my body. My curiously got the best of me as I moved closer to the body and I removed the mask. To my surprise, "JOHNATHAN!" I said in shock. He was laying there motionless and blood was oozing from his head. Damn, that's gonna cost him.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed the police. While telling them what happened the man regained consciousness and he groaned making me jump. I was scared out of my witts. Just then, there was a knock on the door. My conscience was telling me not to open the door but I was as curious as a young puppy so I opened it thinking that is was Xavier but it certainly wasn't.

It was, "TYLER!" I said in confusion.

"What the Fuck are y'all doing here?" I managed to ask...

He didn't say anything. Making me wanna wack him too...

My heart palpitated like a thousand african drums and I was frozen in the spot I was standing in which caused my feet to be glued to the floor. I tried to run but it was no use because he grabbed me. Damn, these men has problems...

Woah, his grip was strong I definitely couldn't get of this.
Before I knew it I was out cold!


Hey there readers,

How are y'all enjoying the story so far?

Only a few more chapters for this book to end..

Any ideas of what would happen next?

Anyways... I'll try to finish soon...

Farewell my readers...

Emma Baksh....

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