Chapter 13

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The staff was working. It was a normal, busy day. She entered the office and looked around, nobody was looking at her. She inhaled deeply and was about to go to her cabin when Javeria, her very good colleague called her name.

"Inaara? Are you okay?" She turned around and heard the light gasps escaping everyone's mouth when they saw her face. Javeria, Sana and Hammad rushed towards her. 

"What happened? Are you okay? How-" She just sighed and told them it was nothing, moving towards her cabin. They shrugged and got back to work.

They day passed in a blur, her foot was aching and every time she moved her right arm she felt a throbbing pain in her shoulder. But bravery comes with a price. She was ready to endure the pain if that meant that she could fight for survival and scream and tell the world what kind of a monster Kamran was. It was later in the lunch break when Javeria knocked at her cabin's door with some food takeaway bags. Perhaps she wanted to eat together. Inaara smiled at her welcomingly. Javeria asked her what happened while opening the small sachet of ketchup they'd given her and squeezing it on her plate. Inaara didn't want to keep it to herself anyway. 

"Mr. Kamran assaulted me and I resisted. I've filed an FIR against him, he might have to face me in court. We've got the CCTV footage as well and I even have a witness; Fareed chacha who drove me to the Police Station the other day. It could be a strong case and I might get him fired, which serves him right. We come here to work, not to please the men that would otherwise snatch our jobs away." Javeria chocked, her eyes filling with tears. Inaara opened the water bottle for her and handed it over. Javeria drank almost all of it in one gulp.

"I'm sorry, Excuse me!" She rushed towards the exit leaving her food behind. Inaara didn't get what it was, but respecting Javeria's privacy, she decided not to go after her and slowly chewed on her burger. 

In the evening when she was getting off work, she saw an absent minded Javeria walking towards the car parking. The day went well and she didn't have to face any questions or stares, which made her quite happy.

"Hey do you want me to drop you off?"

"No I can manage it on my own." She smiled weakly and walked towards the cab station.

"I'd like to see your place and meet your family Javeria, it'd be fun. I'm always alone at home and-"

"Not today, Inaara! I need to go home. I'll talk to you later." She stumbled off, leaving a confused Inaara behind.


The sky was now fading into the dark shades of orange and pink when Inaara reached the police station. Walking straight to the SHO she asked him if she could meet his boss.

"Yes, he's still in the office."

Inaara went into his cabin, knocking softly a the door. He was immersed in an ocean of files, nodding slightly he let her in. Cautious, Inaara stepped insidee and closed the door behind her. Sohaib looked up and froze. The both kept on looking at each other for what seemed like an eternity and the silence was eventually broken by Inaara who cleaned her throat.

"May I sit down?"

"Yes." He croaked. Inaara pulled the chair with  business like facial expressions. Sitting down she placed her handbag on the floor and interlaced her fingers with each other. It was a sign of self reliance in her opinion; supporting her own self. She didn't need someone else's hand when she had a pair of her own that knew how to support each other. It was weird but that was what the past five years had made her- cold, stone hearted, distant and strong.

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