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Ship: chaleb ;) (sOrRy both char and Caleb but I'm making all of these really fluffy so like. Sorry not sorry but the fans like it. Atleast it isn't smut char. (If your reading this) I could have made it wayyyyy worse. My mind Is diSgUstAnNgGGgGgggGGgGGgG so it could be way worse and really fucken kinky. Unless you want that..?)

Relationship: Together

Setting: the time when Caleb bought char dinner :) aka pizza. buthate later on you'll understand what I mean when you get to it.

Calebs pov

"Hey Bubba" Char walks in the door and waves at me, smiling and coming over to the couch I was sitting on.

"Hey" I grin at him and wave as he walks over and plops himself down next to me. He leans in and kisses my cheek, a blush slowly forming on my face.

"So what are we gonna do today, hmm?" He asks, leaning his elbow into his knee and resting his chin in his hand, staring at me.

"Uhm.. I kind of thought that maybe we could have like a movie night.... only if you want to. You don't have t-" I rambled on but he cut me off by poking my thigh, making me giggle. Oh fuck.

"Your giggle is so fucking adorable" Char sits up straight and stands up, pulling me up with him and kissing my cheek again. We stand there in silence, relishing the warmth radiating from each others bodies as we hug and slightly sway slowly from side to side. I bury my head into his chest and he leans his head on mine.

"What do you think we should do before that then? It's only 12." He asks, still holding me.

Chars pov

He wraps his arms around my neck and looks up at me, his chin now resting on my chest as he hums an 'I don't know' and shrugs. I lean down and kiss his soft lips quickly before pulling away and suggesting some ideas.

"Maybe we can go to the beach. Or shopping." I say. "We can do whatever you want bebe." (it's behbeh not bee bee u aMeRiCaNs. Like... just saying tho lmao.)

"I don't know... you pickkkkk" he whines

"You know im bad at picking Caleb." I say.

"Actually yeah you are. That's why you picked me to be your boyfriend." He mumbled into my chest after he stuck his face in it.

"Hey," I say softly, tilting his chin up and looking into his eyes. "Don't ever think about yourself that way, okay? I love you. And I won't stop loving you. Not even when I die. Not even if you stop loving me." I say. He smiles up at me and hugs me even tighter and sighs.

"I wonder how and why I'm so lucky to have you." He says, looking into my eyes.

"Because you deserve it." I say and lean down to kiss him. He turns his head and I kiss his cheek and he giggles as a pout makes its way onto my face as I try to guilt him into giving me a kiss (I almost wrote kid wtf).

"I have an idea on where to go"

"Where?" He asks and tilt his head, pulling away from the embrace.

"That's a surprise, baby" I replied and winked at him (I'm sorry char💀💀💀💀 but also I'm not)

He fake pouts, trying to get me to tell him what or where were going to.

"Baby. Don't do that, you know it gets me every timeee." I whine to him. His bottom lip puckers out more as his pout sinks down on further on his face.

"Pwease?" He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Nope. You can't knowwww" I say and we head outside after slipping our shoes on. We get into my car (idk what kind of car char has sjdjdndnfnnd) and drive off down the road, the sun littering the car with a bright, warm light.

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