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Daichi felt the air around him turn cold the moment those words escaped his lips. He wishes he could take it all back, turn back the time to when Suga wasn't crying, when Suga wasn't looking at him like this.

"Suga, I'm sorry," Daichi chokes, feeling tears brimming in his own eyes. In truth, he isn't sure what exactly he's sorry for; for saying he loves Suga, or for loving Suga to begin with.

No, it can't be the latter. He could never be sorry for that. Daichi sits up to level his gaze with Suga's. His precious angel of a boyfriend was still looking at him as if he had just witnessed an act of ultimate betrayal, fresh tears still spilling onto his cheeks. It feels like someone is squeezing onto Daichi's heart from the inside, clenching so hard that it physically hurts.

With a quivering voice, Daichi tries again. "I'm so sorry."

Suga squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head violently. His hands gather the sheets beneath them to form white-knuckled fists. Daichi doesn't know what this means, so he dares to lean toward Suga to envelope the setter into his arms, bracing for a recoil.

Instead, to Daichi's greatest relief, Suga almost crumples into him, his body going limp as he leans a head against Daichi's chest. With the tip of Suga's nose buried in his chest, and a shirt that he never realised was this absorbent, Daichi strokes Suga's hair and waits for his setter's breaths to steady.

After a few moments of silence, Daichi feels Suga shift in his arms.

"Daichi," Suga croaks. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm like this. I just-"

Daichi doesn't need an explanation, not now at least. All he wants is for Suga to not look... so torn. "Shh, it's okay. S'okay." He whispers as he continues to stroke Suga's hair. "I'm here, it's okay, you don't have to say anything now."

Suga sniffs. "Thank you, Daichi."

In some sense, Daichi is comforted. The fact that Suga didn't up and leave, the fact that Suga is still in his arms now just means that Daichi can let go of all of his past trepidation and unease. He doesn't need an explanation, nor does he need Suga to verbally say that he loves him. All Daichi needs is for Suga to stay here, like this, forever. And he would be evermore content.

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