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"What if she breaks your heart again?"

Emily felt her back stiffen. Standing up from leaning closer into the mirror to check her makeup, she looked at Spencer through her mirror. "I let you come over because you said you'd help me get ready for my date. Don't make me regret it, Spence."

"It's just-"

"It's just that you're all making this your business when it's really Ali's and mine. You're the closest people to me, but you need to leave me alone in this. If it's a mistake, then let me make it. I'll even let you tell me 'i told you so' however much you want."

Spencer was quiet as Emily broke their eye contact to go around her room to collect her bag and whatever else she thought she'd need that night. She was nervous, and understandably so, but she thought this would be a lot less nerve wracking with how they'd easily slipped into their best friends roles again. Spencer's response to what she said interrupted her worrying.

"You know we'd never do that."

Despite the innocence of Spencer's words, Emily felt her annoyance spike. It must be because she's had to deal with it the second time already and she was in no mood to keep defending Ali anymore, not to their very own friends. But she'd somehow interpreted Spencer's words as her believing she would have eventually talk to Emily to comfort her. Because Spencer honestly believed Ali was going to disappoint her along the way.

"Yeah, thanks." Voice flat, she gave Spencer a last look before exiting her room leaving her friend to her thoughts.

Emily drove over to Alison's, mind still simmering over what her friends were trying to do. She was aware, or so she thought, that Alison had a hold on her that she couldn't even really fathom. But Emily believed that Alison was different now. Ali came back for her. It had been when she'd caught Alison's hand in hers that Alison made up her mind in staying. She had to believe that Alison was going to stay. She needed to believe it.

She was on autopilot when she exited her car and walked up to Alison's house, knocking. Her mind was distracted by all her thoughts, but then they suddenly focused when the door opened, and Alison peered at her with her usual smile, but somehow it looked different. Somehow, the smile felt like it was just for her. She saw Ali giggle and reach over to her, index finger brushing under her chin to close her mouth.

"You're letting flies in, Em."

Emily blinked several times to clear the fog that had taken over her brain, and she wondered how Alison was able to focus her whole world to this moment, and yet feel all fuzzy, distracted and scattered at the same time. Everything from what she felt for Alison years before was magnified now. Now that she was sure Alison felt the same.

Emily cleared her throat. "I think we should stay in tonight."

Alison's giggle turned into a laugh. "We didn't get all this dressed up for each other to stay in and make out."

"Why not?" Emily wasn't aware that her voice sounded whiny now.

Alison only smiled and leaned towards her to place an almost chaste kiss on her brunette's lips. "I thought I'd show you off tonight."

Emily felt her heart swell to something huge and she sighed inwardly. There was no helping this falling in love thing that was happening to her, she thought. Without another word, she turned offering her arm to Ali. Ali looped her arm through Emily's but instead of keeping it there, searched for Emily's hand to intertwine their fingers, squeezing slightly. This time it was Emily who leaned in.

The kiss was longer, deeper, and when they parted they were both breathless, arms around each other. Emily watched Alison's eyes open to meet hers, and she noticed they were cloudy with something they were both still trying to suppress. They've only been together a few days after all.

"Last chance to decide to stay in," Emily teased.

Alison blushed, realizing she was actually really close to changing her mind. "Emily," she admonished. "Stop charming me. I want this date to happen."

Emily found herself grinning, and she initiated the walk towards the car, because it seemed like Alison was finding it difficult to actually make the first step away from her house. And they'd probably regret not going out if they stayed in that night.


Alison sat refraining from reaching over towards Emily to hold her hand so Emily could drive with both her hands. As romantic as it was to hold hands while driving, Alison had had too many run ins with life threatening situations to risk Emily's life for being clingy.

She looked out of the window as Emily drove, and wondered if Emily knew how affected she was by the brunette. She bit her lip, remembering how her heart sort of did a hiccup when she opened the door and saw Emily standing there. She'd never let herself even think these thoughts before, afraid she would be taken too much in. She'd have to reserve a certain part of herself to taking care of other people, too, worrying about them, and it was always a risk. Especially since there was someone after her. She needed all her bearings focused on protecting herself.

But who was she kidding? She'd risked everything for Emily already. How could she not fall deeper, too?

"Ali?" Alison started at the sound of her name in Emily's voice. She would always secretly revel in the way her name would roll off of Emily's lips. "Where'd you go?"

In response, Alison leaned in and kissed Emily and when they parted, actually started kissing down from Emily's lips to her neck. "Maybe we should drive back."

Emily laughed. "We already drove here! Let's go!"

Alison pretended to drag herself out of the car, but really she was glad to be out and about with Emily. This felt normal. Alison appreciated normal.

A/N: I'm sorry it's short, but I'm in a hurryyyyy. Actual date in the next chapter! I hope you liked it! As always, all my love for sameme15 and emison5eva. You guys are the best. I'll ask for your names, though, so maybe when I thank you next time I'd be able to call you by your names :)) Thank you also to everyone who votes for my chapters!! :) <3

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