Not Again

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Alison's hands slid from Emily's waist to move to her back, arms wrapping around. Emily kept her arms around Alison's neck keeping her girl close. Their faces inched closer, both eyes already hooded from the anticipation of the kiss. Because sometimes the anticipation was just as good as the act. They didn't leave any space between their bodies, and their lips almost brushed but Emily had pulled away slightly.

"Shouldn't we go to school now?" Emily asked, her voice husky, as she stared at Alison's lips, knowing how they would taste like but always getting excited about the prospect of capturing them with hers.

Alison released a breath, fanning Emily's face, and it was a tinge exasperated. "Shut up," she mumbled, before finally giving in and closing the distance. The kiss was slow, but somehow urgent. It was deep, as if they were both taking their time, but they were both aware that they only had a few minutes until they had to go.

Alison broke the kiss. "You said something about school?"

"No, no, no." Emily kissed her again, lips pressing greedily. "Don't listen to me." Her hands slid to Alison's shoulders, and her lips slid downwards, too, and Alison tilted her neck so Emily would have more room. "I don't know what I'm talking about."

Alison laughed, breaking the moment, and Emily grinned at her laugh. Alison's laugh was one of Emily's favorite sounds. She knew that probably sounded cheesy, but it was true. She loved the twinkle she'd see in Alison's eyes, the way she would seem to orient closer to Emily as she did. She loved how Alison would look at her fondly after and give her a kiss to her nose without fail. And they'd seal it off with a short peck which would feel sweeter than the long kisses they always shared.

"School," Alison repeated.

"Or we could skip."

Alison gave her a knowing look. "We have tonight to celebrate our monthsary. Don't get greedy, love."

"I always am when it comes to you."

"Don't I know it."

Emily laughed pulling Alison towards her for a quick kiss before they made their way to school.


Emily looked amusedly to her side at Spencer who was driving her car.

"I can't believe I was kicked out of my own house just so Alison could get ready for this date."

Spencer had been uncharacteristically whining about Alison's plans, but Emily knew it was just her trying to show her support of the relationship. In the Spencer way. Spencer could be adorable without really knowing it.

Emily grinned at her friend. "You didn't have to let her."

"She was very insistent!"

"And you're probably just as stubborn as her."

Spencer scoffed. "No, I'm not." Emily was quiet, and Spencer looked over to Emily with feigned hurt. "I'm not!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

Spencer's eyes widened. "You didn't use to be this rude."

"Rude?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

Spencer gave into the smile that wanted to break out. "And happy. I guess I'd take rude if it comes with happy. You smile all the time now it's almost annoying."

"But not yet, right?"

"Getting there."

Emily laughed, glad that they were back to the usual banter. She'd always felt closer to Spencer for some reason. It must be because Spencer had been very protective of her when she was struggling with herself.

They finally arrived at Spencer's house, and Emily sighed as she saw all of Spencer's lights on. It was something Emily still couldn't help Alison with. It seemed as long as -A was out in the open, Alison was never going to feel safe. 

They got out of the car and Spencer stood by Emily's car. "I'll stay her and give you two a moment. I'll go in when you leave."

"Thanks, Spence."

"Don't forget to use protection."

Emily gave her a look. It was an ongoing joke among the friends, and Alison and Emily had already gotten tired of it the second time it was said.

Emily slowly made her made to the doorway, feeling just the right balance of nervousness and giddiness. She'd made the plans that night, and was thankful Alison hadn't planned anything. They were going to a romantic dinner and they were going to visit a place Emily had chanced upon once. It was far away from Rosewood where they can pretend everything was ok. They both needed it.

The thought of spending the night with Alison already made her feel lighter, freer somehow. She moved to the door, about to knock, when she noticed it was already slightly open. The smile dropped from her lips, and her hands shook as she reached out to push it open.

The living room and the kitchen, the parts of the house immediately visible from the doorway, was a mess.

"Alison." She pushed the door all the way open, her heart starting to beat faster, her palms sweating up. "Alison!" She was suddenly moving as fast as she could around the house. She heard footsteps behind her, and knew Spencer had already realized what was happening, too. It took only a few minutes to search the whole house, and the stood now at the living room.

"I'll call the cops," Spencer said, voice urgent.


Spencer looked up at her as if she wasn't thinking straight, but she saw Emily looking down at her phone.


Emily could only nod. "They... they want us to go. Without anyone."

Spencer shook her head. "Absolutely not. We need to think about how we're going to deal with this."

"They gave us a deadline!"


"We need to go, Spencer! We're wasting time!"

It was like they were back to dealing with things on their own without any outside help and it wasn't sitting well with Spencer. She followed Emily out, more worried that Emily would leave on her own if she didn't follow.

"What about the others?"

"We'll pick them up."

And then they were off. Emily wasn't sure how many of these she could go through again, especially when -A was intent on targeting Alison in particular.

A/N: Writer's block is really bad. :(

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