Chapter I

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I can't move. Why can't I move? Peeta appears we are standing in the middle of the arena. "Go Katniss run!" he cries out to me. He seemed so far away now. Cato appears with a large knife and slices Peeta's head off. "Peeta!" I scream. I tried running to him but I couldn't.

I wake up screaming.

I look over to Peeta with his head still intact. "Katniss," he puts his hand on my face. His eyes look worried and sympathetic. This happens every morning almost 3 times a week. Always something different it gets worse every time. It's been almost 5 years science the games, Prim, and my mother dying. "What happened this time Katniss?" Peeta asked me.

"Ca-Cato," I begin and explain my dream to him. When I'm finished, he brings me into his chest. I didn't realize it before, but small tears are trickling down my face.

"Oh, Katniss," he breathes. I bury my head into his chest more. The tears are draining away.

After I recover I go to the closet and get dressed after that I go to the bathroom and get ready for the day. I walk into the kitchen to see Peeta beat me to breakfast, he hands me my plate of eggs and kisses me on the cheek. We eat breakfast together in silence. After we finish I ask him "You want to go to go to the Capitol?". We've been doing charity work there twice a week to help the Capitol families and some of the other districts go there for food and shelter. I realize now that it's not the Capitol anymore though. It's a place where war and death happened.

I feel sick to my stomach thinking of Prim. "Are you sure Katniss?" he asks me. "Bad things happened there, to both of us and I know you like everyone there but it's not good for your dreams. Besides, it's not the capitol it's a waist land alive by only memmories". He was right of course, the Capital- or whats left of it, was a horrible place but- there is this one little girl who is like Rue and Prim in one person, and she is the only piece of them I have left. He sighs and wraps his arms around my waist. "Are you sure you wanna go?" His chin nestles into my shoulder. "We could just lounge around and watch those old movies we've been dying to watch the tenth time," he smiles. "No, I want to go," I sigh. "Alright, I'm going to go get ready." He heads up the stairs and disappears with a blown kiss.


I walk into the homeless shelter and I hear a little voice behind me say "Katniss! Katniss!" I turn around with a big smile on my knowing it was Diana.

I pick her up and kiss her on the cheek "Hey Diana!" I look toward Peeta and he has a goofy smile on his face. "This is Peeta," I say to Diana. "He's my husband". She has a smile on her face.

"Hello Peeta," she giggles. Peeta smiles and says hello back. We talk for a little bit, she introduces me and Peeta to a lot of little kids and other people in the shelter.

As I walked I looked around and imaged everything as if the place wasn't bombed. I looked around and I could still hear the bombs hitting the ground, and the screams of the people. I thought of Effie and Cina I cringed at the thought of them and tried to dissmiss my thoughts. "Katniss are you okay?" Peeta asked me. I look at him snapping out of my gaze.

"Y-Yea I'm fine." I look around a last time, there was little life inside of empty buildings. A lot of them where broken down and abondoned. Diana runs over to a tall building and climbs up the side with no effort. It reminded me of Rue. I ran over quickly and climbed up the side with her leaving Peeta behind.

"Hey, look," she giggles and points to my blond husband. "We're faster than Peeta!"

"We sure are!" We get to the top and I see a giant hole in it. "What's that?"

"I dunno," she replies. "It's been there for a while." I hear Peeta's footsteps behind us. Before I can react, I find him tickling me. "Peeta! Stop!" I tried to catch my breath an get away. I giggled and took a step back. Before I can react I fall in the hole. I scream as I am engulfed in darkness.


I hope you guys like the first chapter vote and comment! Thanks! Me and Wintermessages did this chapter togther

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