† Fallen Angels † (1)

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Note: This is a short little Halloween story. I also made this because JustBelievex3xo (Casey) 's b-day is in the 3Oth! so thats an awesome Halloween/birthday present huh? lol, enjoy!


Usually on the first day of October, kids have already been settled down with their school schedules and talk of homecoming drama that happened over the past weekend is what flies around the halls; in some girl's ear, gossiped all the way to the next floor level. But for fourteen year old me, that wasn't the case.

I walked across the tiled floor of the local Go-Mart, squinting my eyes so that I disregarded the fluorescent lights-why they were on at 7:30 in the morning, I didn't know. Then again, I didn't know much about this new town. I had just moved down here early morning, around two past midnight. The lack of sleep didn't bother me much since I was naturally an insomniac on nights before the first day of school.

Ravensville. Population: 12,000 people.

It was a small town, and the name had an eerie sound to it. From what I saw today, it was like an old fashioned colonial town, surrounded with many trees. In a way that made me nervous, because I had seen a lot of graveyards on the ride from our new Victorian style home to the Go-Mart. I couldn't see much last night because there was a smoked fog that obstructed my view. I made out bare tree branches that seemed to extend for miles.

I pressed the button and instantly the scent of crushed coffee beans filled my nostrils as the warm liquid warmed my hands through the cup I was filling up. A bell chimed and I knew someone had entered the mart because they brought along a cool, autumn breeze. Shivering slightly, I added a caramel flavoring to my cup before capping it and walking over to the counter for the cashier to ring it up. As she tossed the change in my palm, I grabbed my drink and walked back out, running straight into a body.

The first thing I felt was a hot liquid on my inner thigh. I stabled myself and examined my drink to make sure it was still intact. Only a few drips and a small stain on the thick, dark gray tights I was wearing. I was unaware of an arm that wasn't mine, touching my arm and then my drink. "I'm sorry," I said as I looked up and came face to face with a pair of brown eyes.

I noticed his eyebrows scrunch slightly as he studied my face. "Nah, it's fine," he muttered quietly as he let go. He seemed to be studying me, and then his mouth opened once again as the lines on his forehead disappeared, "Cass-"

"Casey!" I looked over at my mom who was waiting for me inside the car impatiently; window rolled down. "You're going to be late for your first day of school, and me for work, so let's go! Hurry!" I tightened my fingers against my drink to secure it as I stepped toward the car.

Once I was seated inside and buckled my seatbelt with a 'click', I looked toward the entrance of Go-Mart and saw the boy with dark brown spiked hair disappear into the store. And for a while, he was all that I could think about. Maybe it was that he was my first encounter with somebody that seemed to be around my age.

Well, whatever the reason was, it slowly vanished as a big, brick building came into view.

It was huge and consisted of a clock tower with bold, dark hands that struck 7:49. There was a lot of grass space to it, with a long passage to get to the front doors which were directly under the clock tower. It looked as if it were aged, still standing through a couple centuries.

"Good luck, sweetheart." My mom patted my shoulder as she unlocked the door.

"I'm going to need it," I mumbled, clutching onto my coffee for dear life and getting out. Pretty soon my mom was gone, and I was left with six minutes to make it to my first period.


Happy October! It's my favorite month. :)

This isn't an extremely gory story, although I might write a short Rikey one later, and it's also in first person. What do you think?

† Fallen Angels † A Nick Mara Halloween Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now