† Fallen Angels † (7)

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The weather today had dropped to the lowest it had been since I was here. I was wearing black tight jeans with a gray beanie, a Batman shirt, my black leather jacket, with black cowboy boots, also, hair was perfectly straightend, rarely. My nails were painted black and I had eyeliner on, more than i usually put on.


I was sitting in English, looking out at the sky from the windows. It was a deep, gray color because clouds had covered themselves all across the canvas, blocking any light from showing so it looked like it was eight at night. My attention went back to my English teacher once she started talking about an assignment.

"As you all know, we have been studying various poems over the past week, so your assignment will be to compose a poem, no more than five lines. To some of you, this might be a challenge, and to others, an escape from really putting effort into this. But keep in mind, though the poem has to be short, it has to be in depth and you have to tap into your dark side." She was writing the due date on the board, the chalk scratching against the green board. I watched her while some kid snickered from behind. The teacher, Mrs. Hansen turned around and shot a glare at the boy. "And by dark side I don't mean to release your inner serial killer. If that is the case then I'm going to have to send you to the office to schedule a meeting with a psychologist. Since it is October, and Halloween is coming near, I thought it would be interesting to assign you guys this. Really look into it, study the known poets, use their styles, but the content and depth of the poem and it's subject should come from you."

"Since Halloween is falling on a Wednesday this year, it will be due Monday. I don't want poems about pumpkins and candy corn."

That made me realize something. The day before Halloween, October 30th to be exact is my birthday. Because of this new town i had almost forgot my own birthday was coming.

The stares had subsided as the week went on. This I noticed when walking from English to the library for fourth period. I found it more and more of a solace, even though I had just received some frightening news about me being a doppelganger with someone else to two death teens that once went to Lament High.

I climbed the steps up the staircase to the second level and placed myself in between the shelves looking for books on Edgar Allan Poe. I was excited for this project because writing poems was my specialty. Poe was my favorite poet and he was the best muse for this project since most of his work contained mystery and macabre, emphasizing a grim atmosphere and death.

I found a book and pinched the edge with my fingers, pulling it out. It accidentally fell onto the floor. I reached down to pick it up, but someone else's hand did before I could lay a finger on it. Looking up, I found Nick's warm, brown eyes on mine before he averted them to the book in his hand. "Edgar Allan Poe..." he looked up at me. "His work intrigues me," he said, keeping the book in his hands, turning it over to scan the back.

"It's just so dark," he murmured as he stepped closer to me. I hadn't noticed that my back was pinned against the shelf. The book was in between us, but I didn't reach for it. I kept my eyes on Nick. "You know," he began again softly, looking behind my shoulder at the other books placed on the shelf, skimming through the titles of them all. "He was terrified of death and the dead. I read once that whenever he'd pass a cemetery, he'd panic thinking the corpses would come after him," he chuckled, keeping his eyes on the bookshelf. "Too much talk of cemeteries and deaths here, if you ask me." Now was when I could take the book.

I took it into my hands as he stepped back. "You mean Cassandra and Luke?"

He looked at me and nodded slightly. "Just because one of the bodies wasn't found, the whole school believes it's haunted, and slowly the town is starting to believe it too. It's a joke if you ask me."

Processing what he had said, I opened my mouth. "Wait, what? I thought both their bodies were never found."

Nick raised his brow at me as he shook his head slightly. "The only body that wasn't found was Luke's."



† Fallen Angels † A Nick Mara Halloween Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now