† Fallen Angels † (4)

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This chapter is kind of boring, but it's really important to the whole story because it reveals what it's based around and foreshadows huge scenes! Enjoy my lovelies!


"Are you okay?" Ariana asked me, interrupting the abrupt heart palpitations I was having. I glanced at her and then back at the picture of the boy in front of me.

"It's just," I began, my own voice was breaking. I sounded scared and weak. Should I tell her that I had possibly seen a dead kid? Bumped into. Touched. "I've seen him before," I murmured, my eyebrows scrunching as I studied the picture. It was definitely him. "Am I seeing dead people now or what because I could have sworn I had seen this ki-" I stopped midway, getting cut off by a soft giggle.

Ariana was smiling as she waved her hand in midair. "You probably met Nick."

"Nick?" I asked.

She nodded as she went through a couple of other articles. "He's a doppelganger, like you. Except he came at the end of last year and everybody was shocked." She looked up from reading something. "The reactions with him were worse than the ones you're seeing. He looked exactly like Luke, so the whole school got freaked out. News of his similarities spread around town and it was bad. He wasn't allowed to come to school for two weeks."

I assumed Luke and Cassandra were the two students that had died. Anyone else in my position would have been freaked out, and trust me, I was. This was too much for a first day at a new school, but I had to admit it was the best excitement I had in years. I couldn't remember the last time that the first day of school had been this... eventful. I looked at the headlines on the newspapers. There was a picture of this wooded area. The picture was blurred due to a fog, and I made out some small tombstones in the corner of the picture. Behind it was something else that rested in small area. It looked like a house. I bit my lower lip gently as I asked her this, "How did they die?" I didn't intend for it to come out like a question of curiosity, but hell, it was okay to be curious. Especially for a doppelganger that could be in potential danger from going insane.

She pointed to the article that she had in front of her. There were more pictures of that wooded area. "Bane Creek. It's an area on the edge of town, and contains the town's oldest cemetery. The bodies there are literally from colonial times. Anyways, an old man used to live there about ten years ago. Mr. Harvey. We were little kids and our older siblings would tell us creepy stories about him... all the children in the town were terrified. And then when we got older, he passed away. A year before Cass and Luke died. They ended up going to the abandoned house and..." she stopped talking for a while. She just stared at the article in her hand before placing it back on top of the other superimposed papers in the file. "They never made it back. It was a stupid idea, staying alone. But they were together and decided to stay. We never saw them again. At first they were filed as missing, but then a couple months later they found Cassandra's shirt with blood on it and it was identified as hers." She shook her head before looking at me. "Anyways, I'm sorry for this entire psychotic horror introduction on your first day of school. But hey, it does explain why everyone's giving you looks."

I just shook my head. "It's fine." I said, handing her back the pictures I was holding. "How did Nick take all this?"

"Well, his situation was worse than yours because it was the first time Cassandra and Luke's names were brought up after the time of their death or disappearance, whatever you wanna call it. But he's cool now. Still gets weird looks, but we make him feel like he's a part of the crowd. Which is what we're going to do with you."

"We?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My friends and I. You have lunch with me after right? Come on, let's get going. I'll just be a minute to put this back before anyone notices and then we can head out because the cafeteria is quite a walk from here."


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† Fallen Angels † A Nick Mara Halloween Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now