† Fallen Angels † (3)

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Ariana looked at me dubiously, indecisiveness showing through her expression. She reached out and wrapped her hand around my arm, pulling me to the side just as a group of guys dressed in similar attire (black and white football jerseys) ransacked the hall, cheering and shoving fists in the air to prep for a big event. I looked over at Ariana who watched them walk by, rolling her eyes. I followed her gaze toward a blonde whose hair fell into a pair of bright green eyes.

"Um," I said, unsure of whether I should be moving along to get to class, which is what I was going to do until she spoke up again.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She continued. Her eyes met mine and all of a sudden her voice came out in a more serious tone. "There was a girl that died a while back, two years to be exact... and well, you look a lot like her. The whole town was shocked."

"People still remember?" I bit my tongue as the words came out of my mouth softly. Of course if somebody who looked like a person that had passed away came back to the very town that person had once resided in, people would talk and get horrified, but I assumed this would all be over by the next couple of days. Weren't there seven people in the world that looked like you? That's what I had heard. Did the girl have my hair? My face maybe?

"No, no!" Ariana replied. "I mean, they forgot, well some of them. It's a small town, you know. And you look a lot like her, and by a lot, I mean exact twin. Hey, actually, when do you have free period?" Instead of letting me answer, she leaned forward and looked at the paper I was holding. Her eyes scanned the page before she smiled and looked up at me. "Well, look at that, we both have the same free period and lunch period. Fourth and fifth. Can you meet me at the library? It's right below us. I'll explain everything more in depth then, kay?"

I didn't know what free periods were meant for, and I was new to the town so I didn't intend on stepping off the school grounds. I guess going wouldn't be a bad idea considering Ariana is my only ride to a speck of a social life starting and that I could catch up on my homework during the period. So I nodded, accepting the invitation. "I'll see you there," I replied, giving her a small smile as she touched my arm.

"Great, I'll see you in a bit! Good luck on your next two classes!"

. . .

Calculus and English went by pretty fast. I ended up finding the library and taking a seat in one of the corner tables that on looked a huge ground to ceiling window with animals and geometric designs towering the sides. The sky was a light gray color with splashes of blue here and there. This library was two floors and had a spiral staircase that led upstairs where there were towers of shelves arranged in rows. I couldn't find Ariana anywhere, so I decided to get a head start on my Calculus homework. I was done with the fifth problem before I heard the seat next to me shift.

"Sorry I'm late," Ariana whispered as she sat down. "I actually saw you but I was looking for this file." She slid a manila folder in between us, opening it to reveal newspaper articles, clippings and pictures.

The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot. "They had this filed here?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as I slid a few pieces around with my ring finger and middle finger.

"Restricted section upstairs, school history is important to Lament High," she shrugged.

Just then my breath caught in my throat. My eyes were fixated on a picture of a girl. I slowly brought it closer to me, picking it up. I was bewildered. It was like I was staring at a reflection, or if somebody had snapped this of me at some point in my life, but it wasn't my life...

The girl stared back with the same oak colored locks with blonde tips fading at the bottom of her hair. And the same brown eyes.

"Her name was Cassandra. She died two years ago... with this other boy, he was my friend. They both were," Ariana spoke quietly. "It was tragic, they never found their bodies. Let me see if I can find a picture of him."

While I was still staring at Cassandra's picture, another one was brought forth. It was of a guy. And instantly my heart stopped for a second, sending a jolt of blood pounding in my body. I recognized the spiked up dark brown hair.

It was the guy I had bumped into earlier at the Go-Mart.


What the hell is going on guys?? I'm on a roll with this story.

† Fallen Angels † A Nick Mara Halloween Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now