† Fallen Angels † (6)

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I was driving down the road with the radio being my only company. It had a faulty connection player and the sound that it emitted was loud and rasping for a while before all of a sudden going quiet. I shot a glance at it and saw that it was still on. Whatever. My mom had to fix the car.

I focused my attention on the road in front of me. It seemed to have gotten darker, even though night hadn't begun yet. The sky was a clouded, ashy gray and on both sides of the road, behind the railings, there were multiple trees, their bare branches extending on for miles and causing haunting thoughts in my mind.

Through the window, I could hear the wind blowing outside. It was a low blow, an eerie sound with a few rackets from the crunched up and withered, faded leaves that were dancing along with the wind violently.

If this town was one thing, it was unnerving.

With the thoughts of Luke, Cassandra and then Nick and I, I had officially been looking at every shadow as a dead figure trying to attack me. I shrugged my thoughts and focused on the road. I would be home soon.

A few moments later, I saw something a great distance in front of me, right in the middle of the road. I squinted my eyes, leaning forward, curious as to what the mysterious light was. It looked like someone was waving a flashlight, but it was still very far so I didn't bother slowing down.

When I got closer, I realized that the light had more of an orange glow to it. And it was getting larger. It was like a flame dancing in the middle of the road.

A few more seconds passed and my heart started having palpitations as I felt the space in my car enclose around me, sending fear and anxiety throughout my body. It wasn't a flashlight or a flame, it was someone set on fire.

I couldn't make out the gender, but the person's arms were flailing and I heard a piercing scream. The moment I came close enough to study the movements, fear struck harder and I lost control of the steering wheel. Right as I was about to hit the body, I turned it and it broke, sending my car off the side of the road. It wouldn't stop and there was a tilt, leading down to a small creek.

Shit, shit, shit. I thought about screaming out for help but no one would hear me. That much I knew. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and went to open the door, but all the buttons got pushed down simultaneously with a click, locking any way out. My heart began to beat faster as the car started dipping into the lake. "HELP!" I screamed, hoping that someone had seen my car swerve. But I knew no one was coming. I banged the glass of the window with my hand and pushed on the handle and door as the water started encasing the car. The ground was gone and all I could see now was the dark, murky water. Beneath me, my feet began to get wet as water started to enter the vehicle from too much pressure. I had started crying a while back but felt the tears only now as my choked out sobs were heard by no one. I tried to search for something to break the window with, but there was nothing.

The water was rising...

A spark shot through my body as I quickly sat up, sucking in a huge breath of air. I grabbed my neck and ran my hands down myself to make sure I was okay as I stared around my room.

I was in my room. It was just a nightmare.

I sighed, feeling my heartbeat still going at a rigid pace. I got up and paced the room to allow myself to calm down before I stopped at my window because something caught my eye. I looked out into the darkness and saw a small silvery light, flickering in the dark.

Before heading back to bed, I switched the nightlight on, lying down with my back to the window.


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† Fallen Angels † A Nick Mara Halloween Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now