You're Awake!

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AppleJack eyes open,she sat up and look around her surroundings.She was sitting in a green meadow.
This place felt warm and happy for AppleJack.She felt very safe.

She breaths in the nature scent..
She heard footsteps behind her,she turn around and saw her parents and grandmother who looked very young.

Her mother and father stood there holding each other as for granny smith she stood there standing up straight,all have smiles on their faces."M-Ma P-Pa,G-Granny smith."AppleJack stuttered,tears whelming in her eyes.

Her parents look at each other then chuckle,"Yes Sweetie it's us."Her mother angelic voice spoke.

Immediately the young teen stood up and hug her parents tight."Ah miss ya'll so much!"she cried."Ah'm so sorry it's was mah fault!"When she release the hug her father gave her an serious expression.

"AppleJack what happen ta yer mother and ah weren't ya fault."He spoke.


"Hush sweetie."Her mother interrupted."AppleJack we love ya'll so much dat it broke us when we saw what ya'll did."AppleJack looked down,the tip of her foot began to circle the ground.

"Ya'll saw dat?"AppleJack ask.

"AppleJack like Ah said even when Ah'm Gone Ah'ma still watch over ya."Granny smith spoke,the grandmother wrapped her arms around the young girl.
AppleJack father lift her chin up.

"AppleJack we love ya no matter what please just take care of yerself."her father said.Her mother kiss her cheek."Mah daughter becoming a fine young lady."She said.Her mother then wrap her arms around her husband with a soft smile.

"It's time Fer ya ta go with yer brother and sister."Granny smith said

"Ah can't go with ya'll?"AppleJack ask
Her family shook their heads.
"It's too soon."Her father said,"We'll see ya later on."AppleJack nodded her head.
"We love ya,Big Macintosh,and AppleBloom."Her mother voice echo.

Her three family member began to fade away from the bright light.The light is so bright applejack has to cover her eyes.
"We love ya'll."their voiced echo.
Suddenly everything became bright white.

Big Mac sat there crying.He look up the clock,two more minutes.He lay his head on the bed sobbing until he heard a groan.he lift his head and look at AppleJack-it couldn't been?could it?

He watch quietly,she groan again this time louder and she even squint her nose.
"Applebloom."he whisper to the little girl who also was looking at her sister.

Slowly AppleJack eyes open,her eyes adjust the brightest of the room.She raised her arm covering her eyes."I feel like crap."she groan.

Suddenly arms wrap around her.
She saw her two siblings hugging her,She was taken back.The two sibling release the hug."AppleJack yer're awake!"Her little sister shouted happily, happy tears falling down her cheek.She hug her again.

AppleJack look over her brother whose smile was the biggest she ever saw.
"Yer're awake."he said tears falling down his cheek this time these tears were happy tears.

The farmer girl chuckle."What mah big tough bro cryin'?"
Big Mac smile,"Ah'm just glad yer awake and smilin'."That's when Applejack's tears fell.For the first time in the whole month the apple family are happy.

AppleJack stayed two more days at the hospital before going home.
When she enter the her home she felt the coldness and saddness in the home vanish.
She enter her room and sigh.

On the wood floor lay the cut rope,she walk over it and bend down.
The contact of the rope made her shiver.
She grab the rope tight and stood up,walking over her window.She opens the window slowly and through the rope out.

She then sigh once more.
"Ah should go say sorry ta mah friends."She thought to herself

AppleJack walk to the Living room where her brother sat there,"Big Bro Ah'm goin' ta see mah friends Ah'll be back."
Big Mac stood up and stare at AppleJack observing her face.
He then smile and hug her."Ok lil sis Ah love ya."he said as he release the hug.AppleJack smile and walked out.

She felt so much love.AppleJack regretted what she did,she put the people she loves through so much pain.This made her realize how much her sibling loved her and she just adores them too.

AppleJack was in deep thought she didn't notice that she reach her destination.
She look at the small design candy home and smile.
Walking in the door there was a small ding."I'll be in a minute!"A gloomy voice shouted.
AppleJack look behind the counter and smile,"Can Ya'll be a here more faster?"She asked.

There was a loud gasp before she knew it pinkie with her now puffy hair arms were wrap around her."AppleJack!AppleJack!AppleJack!
You're awake!IMissYou!WeAllMissYou!"The now happy pink hair girl shouted quickly hugging the farmer girl tighter and tighter.

AppleJack couldn't help but felt a little bad about making her friends feel upset."Aw Shucks Pinkie Ah'm sorry Fer makin' ya'll all sad an' gloomy."AppleJack apologize.
"No need to say you're sorry AJ we understand you were depress but you should of seek for help.You know we'll always be there."Pinkie Replied with now her bubbly attitude.
Once more pinkie wrap her arms around AppleJack.
"You should really visit Dashie and Fluttershy.Dash have been staying at Fluttershy cottage since the -Ahem- accident and Fluttershy totally stop talking."The farmer girl nodded her,she said her goodbyes and headed to Fluttershy cottage.

She felt even more awful now knowing how her other best friends be like.
Fluttershy stop talking,Dash staying over Fluttershy cottage for comfort.
Now AJ felt like crap.
She regretted everything involving the accident.She just want to apologize for doing this.......


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