Chapter 1

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*Hey my name is Y/n and my life is quite fucked up! Many terrible things happened to me. All because of that one boy called Zach that didn't treat me the right way. Well there are a few things that are good in my life like a boy called Brooklyn but for the most part it's fucked up. Let me tell you about how I met this Zach.*

~Y/n's POV~
~The day I met him~
Me and my friends Holly, Lexi and Ariana are getting ready to go to a party. We're going because my parents kicked me out and we decided I have to distract myself. I put on my outfit.

My outfit

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My outfit

A: I'm ready you guys?
L: Me too!
H: Same!
Y/n: Since ages!
We all laugh and walk to the car. I hop in the driver seat and we drive to the party. We walk inside and Holly's Boyfriend takes her with him. After some time Lexi goes dancing with her best boy friend. Ariana was making out with a dude. So it's just me. Great! I walk over to the bar and get myself some alcohol. After the second cup and really hot boy walks towards me. He has been standing in the doorway for some time just looking at me.
?: Hey may I join you?
Y/n: I don't know if you really want that.
?: I want. What's your name beautiful?
Y/n: I'm Y/n and you are?
Z: Zach
Y/n: Want a cup?
Z: Sure if you join me.
Y/n: Let's do it!
I fill my third cup and we drink it. *What I didn't know at that moment was that that would just be the beginning of the night.* We talk a lot and I tell him about the whole kick out thing. After the tenth cup I'm really drunk that I can't even think straight. Zach comes closer to me and puts his hands on my waist but they don't stay there for a long time. They wander to my ass and he squeezes it. It turns me on I have to admit that I'm so drunk he could called me the name of my exboyfriends new girl and I would have been turned on.
Z: Wanna go to my place?
I nod and we walk to his place because it's not far. When we arrive in his flat he closes the door and pushes me against it. He kisses me passionately and then kisses down my neck. I have to say I'm really enjoying this. I take his top off and we walk from the door to his room. 🔥
He throws me on his bed and takes off my top. My pants fly through the room after. He takes off his pants and then he takes his boxer off. And before I can say anything he pushes into me. It is a great feeling and at the same time I'm frightened. He starts going faster and hurts me but when I tell him to stop he just goes even faster.
Y/n: Zach please stop you're hurting me!
Z: Shhh..Enjoy it.
Y/n: No stop!
He puts his hand on my mouth and goes on. My body has no energy. I can't feel my legs. If you think he stoped any time soon you're wrong. He went on till he released inside of me. 🔥
He pulls out of me and I just laid there next to him and sleep in.

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