Chapter 7

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~In the morning~
I wake up from the smell of food. I stand up and walk through Brook's flat following the smell because I still don't know his flat. I find him in the kitchen making food. I walk up to him and say.
Y/n: Good morning Brook.
He throws the pancake in the air.
B: Y/n you scared me!
I start laughing really hard.
B: What?
I point to the ceiling. He looks up and sees the pancake and starts laughing too.
B: That's your pancake!
Y/n: Okey once it falls from the ceiling.
We laugh and start eating the already prepared pancakes.
Y/n: You're a good chef Brook!
B: No believe me I'm not it's a miracle you can eat this!
We hear a weird noise. I have no clue what it was.
B: Your pancake is ready!
We both start laughing really hard but I take his hand.
Y/n: Back to what I wanted to say. I'm sure your not that bad of a cook.
B: No believe me I'm bad!
I laugh and we continue eating. The food was really good. I don't believe Brook that he is such a bad cook normally. I stand up and call a doctor.
B: What are you doing?
Y/n: Calling a doctor because of the baby.
B: Can you put it on speaker?
Y/n: Sure.
I sit down next to brook and we wait for the doctor to pick up.
Dr: Hello Dr. Millers office?
Y/n: Hello my name is Y/n Y/ln. I'm calling because I found out that I'm pregnant and I would like to make a appointment.
Dr: Do you have any special wishes for the date or time?
Y/n: No I'm always free.
Dr: Would you like to come in an hour?
Y/n: Yes that would be perfect.
Dr: Okey perfect Goodbye.
Y/n: Thank you Goodbye.
I look at Brook and ask:
Y/n: can I use your shower?
B: Yes but it's your shower now too. This whole flat is yours too.
Y/n: Thanks Brook.
I give him a hug and go too our room. He then comes in after me and brings me a towel. I take a shower and put on something comfy. I go back to our room where Brook is waiting.
B: Are you ready?
Y/n: Yeah wanna go?
B: Let's go.
We go down to his car and drive to the doctor. When we arrive we don't even have to wait.
Dr: Hello miss Y/ln and you sir?
B: Brooklyn Wyatt
Dr: The father?
Y/n: No.
Dr: Okey so why exactly are you here?
Y/n: So I'm pregnant but I don't know since when like how many weeks. And I have a problem with drinking and smoking so I'm worried that the baby may be in danger. Because I smoked and drank not to long ago.
Dr: Let's see since when you're pregnant.
He does some tests. I'm really nervous but when Brook takes my hand and squeezes it I calm down a bit. I smile at him. The doctor comes back and then says:
Dr: So you don't have to worry you were lucky. You are in the fifth or sixth week so I'm guessing you had morning sickness and found out like that.
Y/n: Yes I did. So the baby is fine?
Dr: Yes as long as you don't drink or smoke.
Y/n: I won't drink or smoke.
Dr: Mr Wyatt do you guys live together?
Brook nods and the doctor goes on.
Dr: Okey your task is to make sure she doesn't dirk or smokes.
B: I will!
Dr: I would like to make an appointment in a month to be sure everything is fine.
Y/n: I think that's a good idea.
We find a date next month for the appointment. When we get out I jump on Brooklyn and hug him really tight. I wrap my legs around him. He places his hands on my thighs to hold me up.
B: You okey Y/n?
Y/n: Brook the baby is fine! I'm so happy!
B: I'm glad it is. And I hope it stays like this.
Y/n: If you're talking about drugs or drinks don't worry I care about the baby!
He brings me to the car like that.
Y/n: Thanks Brook.
B: No problem.
Y/n: What do you want to do?
B: Ohh I don't care we can watch some more Netflix and do something productive tomorrow.
Y/n: Yeah that sounds like a plan.
We drive to our flat and watch some Netflix.
*We did that a lot. Just Me,Brook and some good old Netflix. I enjoyed everything time we did that because I felt safe. Me and Brook cuddled every time we watched Netflix.*

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