Chapter 16

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~Y/n's POV~
Me and Brook go to a key shop to make more keys. We go inside the store and a young good looking man asks me:
?: Hey how can I help the pretty lady?
Y/n: Hello ehmm we would like to make four of this key.
?: Are you moving here?
Y/n: Yeah
?: If you want I can show you around.
He winks at me.
Y/n: Oh thanks but I'm okey.
?: For what do you need four keys cutie?
B: For our four children! And in a few months we'll need another one.
Brook says coming closer and putting his hand on my stomach.
?: Oh congratulations.
B: Thanks. Do you need anything from us?
?: Yes a Phone number so I can let you know when the keys are ready.
Brook goes to the front and writes down his number.
B: Is this everything?
?: Yes you can pay when you come pick them up.
B: Okey thanks
Y/n: Good bye
?: Bye
Brook takes my hand and we walk outside. I stop and give him a hug.
B: What's up?
Y/n: Are you okey?
B: Yeah why?
Y/n: Because we have four kids?!
B: Ohh Yeah..I wanted to tell you about them but I forgot.
He says laughing awkwardly.
Y/n: Brooky you know I didn't want anything from that man right?
B: Yeah but he wanted something from you.
Y/n: Yeah that may be true but I like another guy.
B: You do?
He says in a sad voice because he didn't understand that I was talking about him. I take his face in my hands and squeeze it. Then I press my lips against his.
B: What Are you doing you just said you like another guy?
Y/n: Yes YOU you idiot!
B: Ohh that's great coz I like you too.
He says pushing me against the window of the key store behind me and kissing me. But the weather isn't on our side because it starts raining really heavily. We run to his car and get inside. We drive to a store to get some boxes to pack all the stuff from our flat. We then drive back to our place.
Y/n: Okey let's start packing!
B: No you are pregnant you're not gonna help.
Y/n: Brooky I'm okey I will stop when I'm tired okey?
B: Alright
Brooklyn plays music and we start packing. We finish packing all our clothes and personal things. And we start packing the decoration that Brook has. The only things in the flat are furniture.
B: Okey we're gonna go to sleep now!
Y/n: No we can finish.
B: No we're gonna go to sleep now.
He says lifting me up and carrying me to the bedroom.
Y/n: Okey but I'm gonna take a shower first.
B: Okey do that.
I go under the shower and wash my hair. When I'm finished I put my hair up in a really messy bun. I wrap myself in a towel. I walk into the room and Brook is standing there in boxers and his shirt over his head. I go over to him and kiss his chest and he gets slightly scared.
B: Y/n you scared me!
Y/n: I'm sorry but Brook are you okey?
B: I wanted to try to take my shirt off in a cool way and now I'm stuck.
I laugh at him coz that's something that could just happened to him. I go over to him and help him to get the shirt off his head.
B: Thanks...Ohh wow.
Y/n: What?
B: You are so pretty.
Y/n: thanks Sexy.
B: Yeah now that I don't have a shirt on my head.
Y/n: No I already thought you were sexy when I saw you with the shirt on your head.
I say placing my hands on his chest.
B: Okey should I put it back on?
He says taking the shirt in his hand.
Y/n: No don't I want to see your sexy face and I want to kiss it.
I kiss his lips and he puts his hands on my waist. He sits down on the bed behind him and pulls me on his lap. We keep making out and our hands wonder around the others body. My hand wonder from his cheeks to his neck and to his hair. His hands go from my waist to my ass and squeezes it. We keep kissing till the towel almost falls when that happens Brook hugs me to hold it in place.
Y/n: Brook I have the feeling you don't want to see me naked. I just don't understand why.
I say holdings the towel to look at him.
B: It's not that I don't want to. Believe me I want to but I want to wait.
Y/n: Wait for what?
B: Okey this may sound strange.
Y/n: What?
B: Okey Y/n I like you a lot like a lot. And I want to be with you. But I want to go slow because I would like this to last. And I want to wait to see you naked till we do it. You know? Maybe this makes no sense but yeah that's why.
Y/n: No Brooky I understand what you mean and I think that's a great idea. I mean I like you too. No I like you a lot! And I hope this lasts.
B: Thanks for understanding and now put on something.
Y/n: Okey
I wrap the towel around me take a shirt and some underwear and get changed in the bathroom. I then walk back to the bed and we go to sleep.

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