Chapter 20

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We get inside and order. We sit at a big table. So that everybody can sit together. Jack who has the camera places it on the table and presses the record button. We start eating and talking.
S: Maybe we should go to ikea and get some more furniture.
J: Yeah my room is empty.
Y/n: Yeah I like that. We need some stuff too.
B: Yeah for the couple's room.
I give him a kiss on the cheek. He loves to tell everybody that we are a couple. We finish eating and drive back to the house.
Y/n: Okey Guys normally I could edit the video but I'm having a back pain and need to lay down. So can someone else do it?
R: I'll do it.
A: I'll help you.
Y/n: Great thanks guys.
I walk to the bedroom and Brook walks after me. I lay down on my belly on the bed and out of nowhere I feel two hands massaging me. I look back and Brook is siting in my hips and trying to help me with my back pain like the doctor said.
Y/n: Brook it's okey I will go to a massage tomorrow.
B: No you are my baby and I need to help my baby.
I smile and let him do his work. It actually helps me my back pain disappears. I turn around and throw myself on top of him.
B: Be careful you're gonna squish the baby!!
Y/n: Aww no Brooky Don't worry the baby is fine.
B: But be careful.
Y/n: I will. Promise.
We do our pinky promise thing and lay down in bed.

~A week later~
So we uploaded the Vlog and a lot of people liked the Vlog and the idea of a Vlog channel. In the last week they became even bigger the have 25k followers on Instagram and YouTube. And the Vlog channel is at 15k followers. When Blair heard that we told the fans that Brook and I are a couple he thought it wasn't the best idea. He thought I would get a lot of hate but I didn't actually the fans love us together. Rye's friend Alex the photographer loved the idea and he agreed to live with us. We are gonna pick him up tomorrow at the train station. We didn't manage to go to ikea till now because they performed on the street again. So we are going today. I put on a jumper of Brook because it's oversize for me and like that you can't see my pregnant belly. It's small but you can guess that I'm pregnant. I take the Vlog camera with me and film the boys how they get in the cars.
Y/n: So Guys someone tell the fans what we are doing today.
Sonny turns around and says.
S: We are going to Ikea because our new house is still almost empty.
Y/n: We don't have a lot of money and we need a lot of stuff so Ikea is the best option.
When we arrive we get out of the cars. Andy takes the camera and films us while we walk inside of Ikea. When the boys see the first beds Rye and Sonny start a race who arrives first there. The run and instead of stopping they jump on top of the bed. The bed makes a weird noise and they get off the bed fast.
Y/n: Did you break the bed?
R: No
S: No
Y/n: Okey let's go! Fast!
We walk away from the beds since everybody has a bed.
Y/n: Okey everybody get what they need and we will meet each other at 14:00 in the restaurant. Film some things with your phones that we can put in the Vlog Okey?
They nod.
Y/n: If there is anything text us in the group chat.
Everybody walks away. Brook and I walk around the Ikea holding hands. We look for a closet and a few smaller furniture.
B: Okey what do you need for you office?
Y/n: Nothing it's okey.
B: No it's not.
Y/n: We don't have to throw away money.
B: But..
Y/n: Brooky it's okey really.
He doesn't ask again and I give him a kiss and he turns it into a make out session. We just stand there eating each other's face. I have my hands in his hair and he has his hands on my ass. He squeezes my ass slightly and I bit his bottom lip a bit. He then pushes us against a closet and I hit my head on it. I start laughing but Brook feels bad.
B: I'm so sorry. Are you okey?
Y/n: Yeah I'm okey.
B: You sure?
Y/n: Yes I'm fine and I like that your getting more comfortable with touching me.
B: What are you talking about?
I don't answer his question but instead I squeeze his ass.
B: Ohh Yeah.
He says a bit embarrassed.
Y/n: *whisper* No I like that.
He smiles and start walking to the restaurant. On our way we see Rye running and a few seconds later Andy running after him.
A: Ryan Leonard Beaumont! Come back!
He makes a short break and then starts Running. Me and Brook can't stop laugh and Brook says.
B: I have it on tape!
Y/n: Great that's the best thing!
I look around and see how Sonny gets in one of the closets.
Y/n: Brook film this.
He does and a few seconds later Jack looks at the closet. He is probably still looking for a closet. When he opens the closet door Sonny jumps out and scares Jack.
S: Booooo!
J: Ahhh Sonny I'm gonna kill you!! I swear to God!!
Sonny runs away and Jack behind him. Me and Brook can't contain our laughter and let it all out. We go to the restaurant and see all the boys. Jack looks like he's about to kill Sonny. And Andy looks like he's gonna pass out any moment. Sonny and Rye can't stop laughing. We walk towards them and Brook says:
B: We filmed everything! We have the best content ever!
R: Well we have some good content of you and Y/n too.
S: We do too!
Y/n: What did you film?
A: All of the kissing and hugging.
S: And I saw you Brook with the ass grabbing.
He says with a smirk.
B: Okey Sonny that's not making the Vlog! If you want you can make compilations of us kissing I don't care but that is not going on the internet!
R: The compilation thingy I'm gonna do that!
Y/n: Sure
I say laughing we sit down at a table. We put the camera on the table and eat. All of a sudden Rye gets under the table and a worker comes up to us.
W: Hello sorry for bothering you but quick question. Have you seen a boy your age? He has brown hair and has a tattoo on his hand. He is quite good looking.
Y/n: Yeah...
Rye pinches me under the table.
Y/n: Yeah..No but if we see him we will tell you.
W: Thank you.
She walks away and we all look under the table.
R: What?
Y/n: What did you do?
R: Oh I have maybe almost broken something.
Y/n: Ryan!?
R: Just almost! I- wait did she say I'm good looking?
He stands up and starts walking towards her.
S: She also sounded really angry!
Rye turns around because he remembers what he did.
R: I'm not gonna talk to her because I think she wants to throw me out.
Y/n: Yeah I think that's a good idea.
He comes back to us and sits down we finish eating. When we finish we go down to get all the stuff we want to buy and pay. We get in the cars and drive back. Rye says he wants to edit the Vlog so I let him do that. He uploads the Vlog and they promote it on Instagram.

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