Cristina; Pt9

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"When is this ball Jack? So I can know ahead of time and not plan anything for that day" I laid

out across the bed. He got up and removed his shirt. his jeans and underwear were already off of him. He left the room and I got up to follow.

I heard him enter the bathroom by the sound of squeaky knobs turning on and the faucet

running. "Sorry, I had to get in the shower" He explained. I stood there aggravated and waited for him to tell me when it was. "Oh Sorry, it's next thurseday, so be sure to call off work" He winked and closed the shower door. I scoffed

and turned around in the direction of the room. I removed the lingerie and put on a large white and yellow tee-shirt along with some white sweats. I threw my hair up in a bun and smiled at myself in my body mirror once again.

I bit my lip and headed downstairs. I made my way around and into the kitchen after heading downstairs. I was starving, i hadn't eaten all day and I decided to make something for Jack as well since I was making me food. I pulled

out 2 large steaks and began to season them. I pulled out a pan from where all the pans had been hanging and sat it on the hot stove. While

the steaks cooked in the pan I pulled out some asparagus from inside the fridge. I tried that up

in a different pan right beside the steaks. I heard Jack come from up the stairs and saw he stopped right at the bottom and stared at me as

I flipped the steaks. "What is the meaning of this?" He laughed and crossed his arms. "I'm hungry, I'm not allowed to cook?" I giggled with a smart tone. Jack smirked at me and

liked his lips. "What are you cooking up?" He wondered and sat at the kitchen island. Can't I just cook, at least without him questioning me. it's like I'm not allowed to do certain things unless he knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing. "Sit down, foods almost ready and

I'll finish it" he offered. I looked at him as he grabbed the spatula out of my hands. I just sat down and watched as Jack set out two plates and two cups out on the counter. he served

mine first and then his. He took out a bottle of red wine as usual and poured both glasses at least half way full. Jack handed me a knife to cut the steaks and sat down right beside me. "When you said Thursday you meant-" he

looked over at me while wiping his mouth with a napkin. "This Thursday yes" he smiled. I nodded and continued to eat my food. I was trying to spark up a conversation but he wasn't having it. for some reason he kept shutting

down every chance I was throwing at him. "Jack." I chirped. he looked over to me and stayed silent. "Why are you being so quiet, have I done something to upset you, please just talk

to me" I whined and threw my hands up. "I'm sorry, it's the whole Sam thing. I should've killed that son of a bitch when I had the chance" He growled and clenched his jaw. "He's in jail now, he can never hurt me again" I ran my fingers through his hair. He sat me on his lap and kissed me passionately. "I have a

surprise for you" He parted from my lips. I frowned and got up to follow him. He put on his jacket and handed me mine. I was confused and asked where we were headed. "Just put on the coat Cristina, for once in your life listen to

me" he chuckled. I mocked him and proceeded to put on my light brown parka. We lead me into the elevator and hit "base" on the elevator. "What is base?" I wondered. "the basement of the building, kind of like a garage but for rich

people" he snickered. I laughed and felt his hands cover my eyes as the elevator opened. "What in the world are you doing" I chuckled humorously. He walked me out of the elevator

and kept his hands around my face, blocking my vision. "Okay" he removed him hands from my eyes. I opened my eyes and seen a gorgeous

black Mercedes. "Jack" I paused and my expression changed. "Its for you" He pointed out  "Yeah I know, Jack I don't want this" I blurted.  I wasn't being ungreatful, I didn't

want this expensive car. I was fine taking the taxi, or even an uber. the last thing I needed was him to be spending all types of money on me. "Jack I can't except this" i shook my head and bit my nails. He looked over to me like I

was insane. "Why not, take the car please" He begged. I shook my head no and kissed his cheek. "I really appreciate it but I don't need it" I winked at him as I walked back towards the

elevator. "What the hell am I going to do with this?" He shouted. I laughed and entered the elevator. "Add it to your collection." I looked around at the other cars down here. I smirked and went back up to the penthouse. I hope he isn't hurt by me not excepting the car, I know

he meant well but I didn't want to be driving around in this big expensive car, that's just not

the kind of woman I am. I'll make up for it later on.

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