Chapter 1 ❤️

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Yugyeom woke up in the morning to the sound of his alarm he slowly but surely got up and walked to the mirror looking at his appearance he can see the bruises on his right cheek and forehead he already knew he ran out of concealer so he had to go to his new school with bruises on his face and arms so he just got ready and was walking down the stairs and was about to open the door then "where do you think your goin boy"  so close he thought to himself and turned around to see his mother and father his mother got up walked to him and punched him in the face he then pushed her (something he would regret later that day)and ran he ran all the way to school knowing a new bruise will be formed by lunch so he just went into the school getting stares by the kids in the hall hearing girls say "oh he's so cute but where did he get those bruises I feel so sorry for him who would do that to such a handsome face" Yugyeom didn't like the attention he was getting because of him being new and the bruises so he looked down put his hood up and walked faster but was soon meet with a brick wall of a person he looked up to see 1 boy with 5 more behind him he said sorry and ran from the group of boys thinking how intimidating I'm so stupid but they were kinda handsome but on the first day of school I have to make a fool of my self I'm so stupid then the bell rang and he went to his class the teacher told him to wait outside she will call him in later so he waited out side till he heard a "come in" i walked in to here the whispers about my bruises hearing the same things from the hallway "introduce yourself" " Hello my name is Kim Yugyeom please take care of me" I looked back at the teacher "you'll be sitting next to Jackson please raise your hand"I looked and it was the guy I ran into earlier and all around him were his friends I walked over thinking to myself this is going to be something before sitting down at my desk and shortly after feeling stares on me

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