I'm an old friend of Inuyasha. We were very close, until he fell in love with that human. From then on, we grew apart. I watched as he grew closer and fell in love with that human, and then get betrayed by her in the end.
"No, his fever isn't going down. I think his wound got infected."
"We don't have the supplies to heal him."
"Is there any villages near by?"
"I think there is one.. but I don't think they'll help us."
"Why not?"
"It's a demon village."
"A demon village?"
"We're near the fox demons territory."
"Do they not like humans?"
"Well, we are a group made of, a demon slayer, a monk, a priest and a half demon. We won't be welcome there."
"Actually, I think they might let us in if they see Inuyasha."
"Yes, I believe, if memory serves, the young heir to the fox demon clan used to be friends with him."
"Used to be? So they aren't anymore?"
"It's worth a try."
"We'll go in the morning."
"Yes, I agree."
I lay down on the side of the cliff, watching the group of strangers as they talked, rather loudly. "Inuyasha.." I thought, my tails swishing annoyed. I got up and walked back to the village.
Morning came.
Inuyasha was placed on top of Kirara as Shippo led the way to the demon village.
"There's nothing here Shippo." Kagome said seeing bare land in front of them.
"That's what you think." Myoga said.
"What do you mean?" Miroku asked.
"How else can they keep themselves protected from people who want to hunt them down, other than to have a protective barrier around the entire place?"
"Then how do we break it?"
"If you break it, I can assure you, you won't get far."
"We have to be invited or let in."
"By who?"
"Either someone in the palace, or the guard can let us in."
"Where is the guard?" Kagome asked.
"Try touch the barrier and you'll find out." Shippo said.
Kagome stepped up with her hand extended out. She made contact with a cool surface. She put more force in her hand and it seemed to bend to her touch. Just as she was about to take another step forward, a sword came out, pointed towards her neck, pushing her back.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" the guard asked.
"We want help for our friend."
"What friend?" he asked.
Kirara turned, showing Inuyasha tot he guard. The guard scoffed. "Oh, him. Leave get out of here." he said immediately.
"What why?!" Kagome asked.
"We don't want his kind here." he said.
"Just because he is a half demon?"
"We could care less if he was half, a quarter or full. He left our young mistress, breaking their promise. We don't want him in here."
The guard went back into the barrier.
"Come to think of it, fox demons and dog demons don't get along." Sango mentioned.
"Th-then, what are we going to do? We came all this way for nothing then?" Kagome asked.
"Not for nothing." If we can maybe get the young mistress to come out, and convince her to let us in, then we are clear to go in."
"But she doesn't want to see Inuyasha."
"Is there a back way? If this is the entrance, then the other side must be where the castle is." Kagome said.
"The castle is most likely at the center of the city, not the edge." Miroku said. "This barrier should be coming from the castle." he said.
Suddenly someone stepped out from the barrier. They all turned seeing someone who resembled a maid. She said nothing but motioned for them to enter.
"We can go in?" She simply nodded.
They all went inside, with no trouble. They were met with bustling streets. Demons of all shapes and sizes were walking around, drinking, shopping, and playing. They followed the main towards the castle, that was indeed in the middle of the castle.
They got to the front gates, and the guards stopped them. "Only one of you may enter with the injured." the guard said.
"The others will be staying in an inn not far from the castle." the other guard said.
"I'll go in with Inuyasha." Kagome said.
Kirara laid Inuyasha down and shrunk back down. A few servants came out and fireballs came out of their hands. 5 in total, one for each limb and his head. The fireballs lifted him up and followed the servants in. Kagome bid her friends goodbye and hurried after them.
After walking down various long hallways, they were put in a room. The doors closed and they 2 were left alone.
A while later, the doors opened and a female fox demon walked in. She had an air of royalty round her, even though her clothes didn't seem to be that extreme, she made them look extravagant.
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"What did you do this time, to make you like this.." she muttered looking down at Inuyasha.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"I have no reason to tell you." she said and kneeled down beside him. She placed a hand over his clothes and began taking them off.
"H-hey!" Kagome cried and the girl glared at her.
"Annoying." she said and raised her hand and a swirl of fire surrounded Kagome and pushed her to the corner of the room. As she was about to open her mouth to speak, her red ribbon covered her mouth. She looked over his wound and scoffed. "You're like this from this scratch?" she asked and a white flame surrounded her hand and she placed it over the wound. Her other hand was a beautiful gold and placed it over Inuyasha's head.
The wound was closing, and Inuyasha's face regained its color. She stood up and snapped, and INuyasha's clothes fixed itself, and Kagome was realized from the flames. "he'll wake later tonight. You can stay for the night, but then I want you all to leave." she said walking away.
Kagome hurried over to Inuyasha. ".. who was that?" she asked no one.
".. ugh.. ng.." Inuyasha groaned.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome immidietly checked to see if he was awake.
"(Y/...n)...." he spoke softly.
"(Y/n)?" Kagome repeated. "Whose (Y/n)?" she asked.