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I stared at the sky. The others were asleep, but I couldn't sleep. It's been about a month since I've joined them on their journey. They have all been nice to me, but were nothing like friends, I wouldn't even say we were acquaintances.

"Do you never sleep?" I looked down seeing it was Inuyasha.

"Do you care?" I asked smiling.

He didn't respond, but came up, sitting next to me. "You know I care about you." he said.

"Yes, but I also know it's not the kind of care that I want from you. And you know it." I said staring at the sky.

"Yeah, I know." he said.

"I'm not going to make you choose." I said to him. ".. you have enough of that with Kikyo and Kagome.." I whispered and looked at him, seeing he was looking at me.

"What are you talking about.." he mumbled, his cheeks turning pink.

I smiled and sighed, "I'm thinking.. of going back home." I said to him.

"Really?" he asked and I nodded.

"I've thought about it. It's nice traveling around, but it's not like I have any motivation for this like you guys, I'm just along for the ride." I said laying back on the roof. "Besides, without me around you can sort out your feelings more, and not have to worry about my reactions." I said to him.

"I have no idea what you mean." he said.

"Liar." I said smiling a bit. "You've been cautious ever since you met Kikyo that night, about how you act around me and Kagome." I whispered and turned to him. "You already know how I feel about you." I said and he nodded.

"I won't force you to return those feelings, and I don't expect you to return them." I said and sat up, leaning towards him, "But I want to do this." I whispered and pulled him down by the collar, and into a kiss. I could feel him resisting, and when I finally pulled away he was staring at me. ".. See you around." I smiled and a swirl of fire surrounded me, and I was gone.


I woke up to the sun shining on my face, and I turned seeing a plate of food next to me. I looked around and found Naraku sitting across from me. "... Is it poisoned?" I asked him.

"No." he simply said. I nodded and began eating the food. "You trust to easy." he said as I ate.

"Maybe, but you don't seem like someone who lies." I said drinking the soup. "This is good." I said putting down the empty bowl.

He smirked and got up, leaving the room. I watched the door close and lay back on the futon. I know that Naraku is the "bad guy" and from what I've seen, I guess I can agree with that. But he has done nothing to me, so I have no reason in hating or fighting him.

When I left Inuyasha, I was wandering around, not wanting to go home exactly because then I'd be cooped up and I don't want that. That was when Kagura found me and told me she would be taking me to Naraku. I found no problem with that, so I got on her flying feather, and arrived at Naraku's castle. He said he'd let me stay with him, and I could do whatever I want as long as I didn't bother him. Which to me meant, free food, and housing, and I'm free to do whatever I want. So, of course, I accepted the offer.


I was playing GO with Naraku in his room. I placed down my piece and looked at him as he held his piece, rolling it over his fingers. He smiled and placed it down and I looked at the board, frowning. "I win." he said.

".. You suck." I said and pushed the board to the side, my 3 tails swishing from side to side from annoyance.

He said nothing, but looked out his window again. "You like the sky or something?" I asked after a bit of silence.

"Not especially." he answered me.

I leaned back on the tatami floors, my arms resting behind my head. My ears would twitch at the sound of the wind, or just occasionally for no reason.


I smiled as arms wrapped around my waist and I turned seeing a familiar mess of white hair. "You're up early." I said leaning against him.

"I noticed you weren't in bed." he mumbled, his face buried into my shoulder.

"Tried going back to sleep, didn't work." I said laying my head over his.

"I love you." he whispered to me.

"Me too." I smiled at him.

Then everything turned dark, and the arms that were wrapped securely around me, turned to mist. I looked around seeing only darkness. "Anyone there!?" I yelled. "Inuyasha!" I yelled frowning. I tried making a fire in my hands, to light up the area, but nothing worked.

I then heard sounds of fighting. I looked around and saw faint flashes in the distance. I looked down and there was a lit up white path. I began running. As I ran, the white path morphed into a dirt path. I recognized the area. There was a battle, a long time ago, when I was only a child. One where my parents died in. I slowed my run to a walk, seeing the blood smeared trees, bodies strews over burnt logs and bushes. Small fires on the bodies, spears and swords ticking out of some poor demons as well. I bit my lip, following the path. It eventually opened up to a clearing. My father was hugging a body in his arms, it was my mother. I looked at the woman they were fighting, I didn't recognize her, but it was a priestess. My father cried over the body of my mother. He laid her down, and stripped off his coat, laying it over her. He picked up the sword that was on the ground and stood up, in front of my mothers body, facing the priestess. The priestess had an arrow aimed straight at my father. "Mom... dad..." I mumbled, falling to my knees. The next thing I knew, the priestess shot the arrow, before I could see the aftermath, a bright light shone, enveloping the area. I opened my eyes again seeing I was back with Inuyasha. He was smiling at me, and I was confused. "I'm so happy you're here." he said hugging me.

"Y-yeah.. what's-" I was confused as I hugged him in return.

"Inuyasha." I turned seeing it was Kagome, and she was carrying a child.

I felt my body freeze. "Love, are you okay?" I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned seeing it was Sesshomaru.

"What.. is this.." I mumbled frowning.

~~Dream over~~

I woke up looking at the roof and turned seeing Naraku was asleep as well.

I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, "damn.." I muttered holding my head in my hand, biting my lower lip.

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