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"How did I end up here with you.." I sighed seeing Inuyasha in front of me.

"I should be asking that." he muttered.

We were both stuck in a cave, in the mountains, taking shelter from a snow storm. I just wanted to explore the mountain, make sure it was safe since it was a new area. I don't even know why he came after me. I sighed and used my hands and dug out a small hole in the ground.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Shush." I said and I saw him pout, his ear folded down a bit. I smiled and cupped my hands together and softly spoke a short incantation and my hands glowed. I opened my hand above the hole and condensed balls of fire fell and filled the hole, making the area around it warm, and lit up.

We sat close to the fire to keep warm. I was in my fox demon form since it was more comfortable to be in than my human form. My tails lay flat on the ground, occasionally swishing around. ".. you hungry?" he asked me.

"Not really." I answered him.

".. Alright then.." he mumbled and stared at the fire.

"You don't have to try make conversation." I said as he was about to say something else.

"Well, I'm hungry." he said and I sighed turning to look at him with his arms crossed and looking outside the cave.

".. Worried about the others?" I asked him.

"As if." he scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine if your worried. Though I hope they are smart enough to not rush into a snow storm because they are worried. They could easily get lost, or fall off the cliff." I muttered and yawned as time passed and rest my head on my hands.


I woke up rubbing my eyes and noticed I was now leaning against the wall of the cave, and Inuyasha's robe of the fire rat was laid over me. I looked around seeing he wasn't in the cave. I looked to the mouth of the cave seeing that the snow had slowed down into a simple gentle snow fall. 

I stood up and made my way to the entrance, holding Inuyasha's robe. I stepped outside and shivered feeling the cold air hit my skin. I looked around and saw faint footsteps in the snow. I followed them and it went up the mountain. I paused seeing some bushes and trees covered in trees and I smiled seeing Inuyasha using his white under-robe, cradling some fruits, his sword laying next to him.

I walked up to him and he stopped moving at the sound of my footsteps. I put the robe back over his shoulder. "Thanks." I said crouching next to him. He looked up at me, and I picked one of the berries and ate it. "Man, thats cold.." I mumbled picking up another one and he smiled. "Come on, lets head back before we freeze." I said standing up.

"You can go first, I have to get some things." he said. I rolled my eyes, picked up his sword and made him stand and pulled him back with me to the cave. 

We ate the berries in the cave, and after finding some squishy ones, I would throw them at him, just to annoy him. "stop it." he said as I threw another one.

"Don't feel like it." I smiled eating another berry. He then threw a berry at me and I smiled throwing it back at him.

We eventually stopped throwing our food and I relaxed against the wall. "Are you still angry with me?" He asked me.

"That's a strange question to ask." I said to him.

"You don't look happy when everyone is together. With just us, you seem more relaxed. And with.. Sesshomaru, you seemed happy." he said.

"It's not a big deal. I'm just not used to humans. Sesshomaru is a full demon, so I'm more comfortable around him. You are part demon as well, so I like being around you." I said.

"And, the incident.. 50 years ago." he spoke softly.

"Don't worry about it." I said and stood up, "I'm going to find some water." I said and left the cave.

I listened for water and it was quiet enough that I could hear what sounded like a small stream. It was a bit down the mountain. I walked down and found the small stream. I was about to take a sip when I heard buzzing. I looked up seeing it was Naraku's insects. It was carrying what seemed to be a couple of canisters. It stopped in front of me and I took what it was holding. I opened the canister finding some buns, and fresh water in the other. "Thank you." I said to the bug and it flew away.

I ate one of the buns and was surprised that it had filling inside of it. I looked and saw it was some kind of pig roast, with some sauce. I finished eating the bread. I looked back knowing that if I brought back a canister of food and water, he'd find it suspicious. I looked around and saw a leaf that was kind of cupped and poured the water in. I then engulfed both canisters in fire and they were gone.

I went back to the cave seeing he had fallen asleep. I manipulated the orbs of fire so they'd be closer to him to keep him warm. I moved deeper into the cave where it was warmer, bringing one fire orb with me and fell asleep.

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