I lay on a soft bed of grass, staring at the clouds as they floated by. I made a small ring with my fire and it turned into a butterfly. ".. Go to Koga, I want to know how his injury is. It might be a bit sore even after my healing." I said and it flew off.
"(Y/n), were going." I looked back seeing it was Shippo.
"Coming." I said standing and following him.
We were to fight some bear demon, that randomly grew enormous for no reason. We came across a group of mercenaries, and the bear. Before we could get the jewel shard, Naraku's insects arrived and took the jewel and flew off.
"Well, thats that." I said. "Should we follow?" I looked back at the others.
"Of course." Inuyasha said and we followed them.
We arrived at a castle. The ground was covered in the bodies of dead wolf demons. They suddenly rose up and began attacking us. "I thought they were dead!" I said jumping over one of the bodies as it tried to grab me. Suddenly, a bunch of them surrounded Inuyasha, and started bleeding out, covering him in their blood. The others then dropped, unmoving.
"Inuyasha!!" We all turned seeing it was Koga. He accused Inuyasha of killing his people. Inuyasha was covered in their blood.
"It was a trap.." I mumbled looking around.
"I'm going to search the castle." I said and ran into the castle through the side. I looked through each of the rooms, seeing they were empty. I got to the main mansion and saw a stand in the middle of the room. I walked towards it and felt a dark presence. "If he was here, he's gone now." I mumbled.
"Smart girl, aren't you?" I turned seeing a woman in a kimono, and holding a fan. "I see why Master favors you." she said.
"Favors me?" I asked and she smiled and used her fan, a huge gust of wind picked me up and blew me outside.
I coughed skidding on my feet. Sango and Miroku charged into the mansion. I saw the fight between Koga and Inuyasha. I rolled out of the way as a blast wave from Koga's punch came my way. I saw Kirara had escaped with Kagome and were watching from the roof of one of the undamaged mansions.
Their fight continued and Koga disarmed Inuyasha, and punched him into the ground. I covered my eyes at the bright light. The dust cleared and it was the woman from earlier. "Now, I'll let you have your last dance." she said and opened her fan, and the dead wolf demons rose once again. She moved her fan, controlling the demons.
"I'll kill you!" Koga yelled, but he fell to his knees.
"Koga!" I yelled as she moved her fan and Koga was cut with the wind from her fan.
"I'll take the real fragments you have." she said. I ran to Koga and picked him up in my arms, as she was distracted by Kagome's arrow. I carried him to a safe distance.
I saw Inuyasha was up and walking and I smiled and focused on Koga. "I'm going to have to take out the jewel shard." I said to him.
"Do it." he growled and I used my nails to cut open his arm. There was a barrier that pushed my hand away, but I covered my hand in fire and pulled out the contaminated jewel shard.
I placed both my hands over Koga's body and a golden fire surrounded him. "Gold?" he asked.
"It's for the poison in you." I said. His wounds slowly started to close, and the golden fire turned white. "The poison should be purified now." I said.
The castle around us began disappearing. "An illusion.." I mumbled and looked back at Koga. "How are you feeling?" I asked him.
"Thank you, for saving me again." he said.
"Don't worry about it." I said and held the fake jewel in my hand. I placed it in my palm and a blue fire burned it to a crisp.
Koga stood up and I helped him. "Are you going to be okay on your own?" I asked him.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." he mumbled and walked away.
I sighed, "Stubborn demon." I mumbled.
We were on top of a hill, looking down at where the castle was. I looked back at Inuyasha and he was fast asleep. "Stubborn and proud.." I mumbled kneeling next to Inuyasha and healed his broken arm and the injury on his abdomen.

Inuyasha x reader
FanfictionI'm an old friend of Inuyasha. We were very close, until he fell in love with that human. From then on, we grew apart. I watched as he grew closer and fell in love with that human, and then get betrayed by her in the end. [Completed]