8.2 - Details, Details, Details

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Okay, let's continue where we left off in the previous tip chapter, shall we? In the short story paragraph previously written, Abc was looking over his bat that he had thrown to the ground in anger and then went to bed, right? But what did he do with the bat before he went to bed??

Did he hug it and sleep with it? Did he put it away in his cupboard? Did he throw it out the window (if he was still angry about whatever he was angry about)??

It may not sound important but missing out tiny details like this make the story choppy. It's something I've noticed in some of my older works, one of which I have edited and republished (Beauty and the Beast – An Uchiha Madara Fanfic) and another which I'm currently editing and republishing (Past Present Future – An Uzumaki Naruto Fanfic). To those who have read both the old and new versions of them, I'm sure you can see how different and how better they are. To those who are reading them for the first time, I'm sure you've read the author's notes I write every so often and talking about how cringy the story and scenes and details were before. And yes, that's why several other of my older works were unpublished >.>

Let's get back to the example I gave – a very big explanation of what 'Abc' did with the bat doesn't have to be given, like – 'he put the bat in its dark blue case and placed it in the topmost shelf of his cupboard'. Well, if you think that detail is important, go ahead and mention it but if it isn't, try something like this:

Abc picked up his bat from the floor, and looked over the damage it had taken when he had thrown it to the floor in his anger. It was a bit dented but still seemed okay to use. With an exasperated sigh, too tired to think of anything else, he dropped the bat to the floor again with a clatter, turned off the light and went to bed.

Sounds more complete, right?

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