8.1 - Details, Details, Details

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Oh, how I love details.

Details of everything, everywhere.

Perhaps this is just the way I like my stories but yes, I like having details in stories I write or read – which is one of the reasons why I'm so picky (oops). Whether it's the characters appearance of the interiors of a room he/she's just stepped into, I love giving details of it. Being descriptive of some unique feature or item can go a long way to giving the reader a feel of what is being spoken about.

Details give the readers an image of the characters or spaces without the help of pictures. It is also important to remember the details mentioned in any scene of the story and give it the right clear up.

For example – Abc picked up his bat from the floor, and looked over the damage it had taken when he had thrown it to the floor in his anger. It was a bit dented but still seemed okay to use. With an exasperated sigh, too tired to think of anything else, he turned off the light and went to bed.

Okay, here's a question for you all. What do you find odd in the description above? Leave your answers in the comments section and I'll we'll continue our discussing in the next tip chapter!

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