9 - Grammar and Spelling

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Grammar – everybody's best friend. And a writer's BFF.

Grammar is crucial in any story, be it fanfiction or an original work. Good grammar is the best way to keep readers hooked because the story is clear, crisp and easy to follow. When in doubt of something, look it up. Can't find it – ask someone.

The most common grammar error I see is in the use of 'Abc and I'. I was really confused about it too until I looked it up and understood when to use 'Abc and I' and 'Abc and me'.

-> 'Abc and I' is used when, if Abc didn't exist, you would still use 'I' in the sentence. For example, Abc and I went to the market today. We use 'I' here because one would say 'I went to the market today' and not 'Me went to the market today'.

-> 'Abc and me' is used when, if Abc didn't exist, you would still use 'me' in the sentence. For example, He gave the papers to Abc and me. We use 'me' here because one would say 'He gave the papers to me' and not 'He gave the papers to I'.

Spelling is often considered not so important. However, just a tiny difference of spelling can chance the meaning of the word so it's something to keep an eye on. Let's take the words compliment and complement. Compliment means 'to praise or admire someone'. Complement (notice that the only thing different here is that i is replaced by e) means 'a thing that contributes extra features to something'.

-> I have to compliment your dress – it's beautiful!

-> Oregano seasoning is the perfect complement to pizza!

See what a big difference one letter makes?

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