Seis /// Ya Lo Supere

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I thought I loved you

For years I did

I couldn't find anyone else

Attractive because of how intense my Love was

Was it love?

Was it a just sense of security?

Was it even Real?

I'll tell you all about it

And you can tell me what you think

Let's start from the beginning

If I'm  being completely honest I'm really scared

I don't know if I want to tell this one

It's the most intimate relationship

I've ever held

But I need to

I must.

I promised myself

I have to tell my whole truth

You're a big part of My Series Of Goodbyes

So if it gets too hard I'm going to take a break

This will most likely be the longest goodbye

I hope you'll understand

So this was around the time

they took me out of school

My dad wanted to introduce us to

One of his friends

Alongside with his family

I thought they were fake

Trying to be something

They weren't

You stood out

You weren't my dads friends son

No, no you were their nephew

You looked a little different too

During the first encounter I was still going to school

It was around the last two weeks

Your family came over to our house

Here's how I remember it

I came out of my room

Dressed and ready

To meet our guests

You were sitting on the Couch

On your phone

Your aunt noticed me

'Oh hi Mija you must be Nadia'

'The one we haven't met'

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