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It was shortly after Ultron was destroyed that the Maximoff twins moved into avengers tower, and Tony had forgotten to tell his younger brother who had been on a school holiday during the battle is Sokovia. The twins had just moved in, AJ and Peter Came bursting through the door to the living room. AJ skated in, "Hey, Stark some one said something about- ahh" he screamed as Peter webbed him and her fell off the skate board sending it through the glass.

"OW, PETER!!!" He complained as he laid on the floor

Then Tony stood up and went over to his idiot brother laying on the floor, "Adam!"

"Ah! Wha- oh it's you Tony" He Exclaimed

"Kid, we got some new avengers here. I suggest you get up off the floor"

With the AJ flipped himself up while Peter Came Back Out the kitchen with the skateboard and chucked it to AJ. "New avengers? Stark I live here and I didnt know about this???"

"Hey you were In England with school, I didn't want to disturb your 'countryside fun' " Tony Concluded

"You going to introduce us then Mr Stark?" Asked Peter

Then Tony gestures for them to follow him, "So, Maximoffs this is my idiot brother Adam-"

"Tony how many times do I have to sayyyy?" The Brit complained

"OK ok... This idiot is my brother AJ, he for some reason has a British Accent. And the weird one who shot webs out of his wrists is Peter."

He then gestured to the twins, "This is Wanda and Pietro, we picked them up in Sokovia" He finished

"I'm still mad you went on a mission without me!" Whined AJ

"You were in England!!" Tony replies to his brother's whining


Then Tony sighed, "Look AJ, Your too young to even be on this team.. you too Pete but Fury insists on it. So you better count yourself lucky, go to your room and do homework or whatever but don't bother me. Ok?"

"Fine!" Stropped AJ as he kicked a bin over as Peter Followed him

Then Tony turned back to the Twins, "please ignore him, he's an idiot"

"He acts just like you did Pietro" Laughed Wanda

"I told you that you need to stop bringing this up!" Complained Pietro

Tony Just Laughed At the twins before he left to cook tea.


Hey readers. This is my first story I have posted but I have written stories before (they weren't the best). I would love some Feedback on this story as I do not think it is my best story ever. I have recently just gone back to school so I will be busy with homework and may miss some updates, I will 'try' to update this daily but I doubt it will. But I will try to keep it on a regular schedule. Also hopefully these chapters will get larger as this is only like 5 pages long.

Also what ships would you like here? The original plan was AJ and Wanda, and a Very over protective Pietro but I would be open to suggestions!

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