The next day

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The next day, everyone knows the truth. And to make things better, Wanda was joining you and Peter in school. He knew he couldn't impress her while Liz was all over him, today was going to be greaaat.

This time, he decided to dress a bit more expensive after all, everyone knew now. As he took off his top Wanda walked into the room. "So, AJ I had a thought about sch- uhhhh" she started before she noticed he was topless.
He let out a small chuckle as he noticed her staring at his abs. "It's ok Carry On" He Laughed as he went to his wardrobe

"Well... uh I w-was wondering... uhh" she stuttered

He laughed again as he grabbed a shirt, "maybe you can speak when I have a top on, huh?" He smirked as he slipped the top over his head "now?"

"Well... I was just wondering about..." She stuttered again still nervous.

He chuckled as he walked towards her and grabbed her shoulders making her look at him, "Calm Down, and speak"

She nodded; "Is school, like uhh how do I word this... easy?"

Once again AJ Chuckles At her, "Well, depends on your skills"
He slipped on his classic blue checkered jacket with a black hood over a supreme top.

"Come on, Nat's driving us. Happy's sick" She nodded still blushing from before.

At school

"Alright, AJ look after Wanda Over her" Joked Nat as she unlocked the car doors "now scram you filthy teenagers" she teased as they both climbed out the door and she drove off.

"Well, come one then. The school doesn't bite" AJ Joked as he started walking to the doors, his bright white yeezys earning gasps as not many people were particularly rich in the school.

They soon arrived at Form (Form is like a registration). As
Soon as they walked through the door, Liz was all over him wanting him to sit next to her. But nether the less he sat next to Wanda, it was her first day after all. Liz ended up sitting on the desk next to theirs, asking about his powers and how much money he has. To Which he  always have a short answer, not liking how she suddenly was all over him. Just because he was a Stark, not because of his personality. But because of his family inheritance.

At break, AJ met up with Peter, Ned and MJ. Even though he was popular and one of the hottest boys in school, he did t want to hang out with the jocks and all the fake friends he would have if he did. No, all that mattered was that he had a few true friends.

Wanda was starting to get jealous of Liz and AJ, She had had a massive crush on him as soon as he came flying through the door and was pulled off his skateboard by Peter. But coming to school made her realise how many options he had, she couldn't take it.

"I'm going the toilet, I'll be back in a minute" she said as she sped off to the hallway

There she found Liz and her group of friends chatting, she tried to go past but they soon stopped her.

"Hey kid, AJ is Liz's back off" Snarled one of the girls

"Yeah, you cant just come in here and take her man!" Sneered another pushing her to the ground

That's when MJ came around the corner to see the girls laughing at Wanda, and ran up to them. "You do realise she's an avenger? I thought you wanted to be the avengers friends?" She Said

"Yeah, But this one's a freak. Have you seen her powers??" Liz Snarled

"Adam's got the exact same powers... and more but he's got them too. You seem to be all over him." MJ Snarled Back

"Well, yeah but Stark is rich... and do I have to point out the obvious, he's really hot" she smiled at the thought of him. Which made Wanda cringe, she knew how much AJ didn't like people fussing over his looks. The only person he wanted to be complimented by was people at his wedding and his girlfriend and sometimes Tony, but that was mostly a joke.

She stood up, looking at MJ again.
"You come near her again, and I'll tell AJ about what you said about him being rich and hot and that's all that mattered. I don't think he'll be too happy." MJ Sneered as she started to lead Wanda back to the canteen

"He won't believe you!" One of the girls shouted at her

"Oh he will, I recorded the entire conversation" she chuckled as they left


Hey readers! 3 parts in the same day! But I assume that will only lead to me to forgetting, being to busy or running out of ideas 😂 let's hope not. Anyway, with the fire alarm happening. Me and my friends came up with a few ideas and we wrote down our ideas, so I am not short of them. I would be open to any suggestions though!

Anyway, enough about that fire alarm drama. How did everyone feel about the nervous Wanda? I kind of liked it but I feel a confident Wanda would also work. I guess AJ is the confident one rather than Wanda.

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