The Party

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It was now or ever, They both knew what they needed to do; but both were extremely nervous.

AJ Walked into the room, he expected to see hundreds of people. But instead, there was just the Avengers and a handle full of agents. "This was certainly... uhhh... unexpected" he said as he sat down with the rest of the friends.

"Yeah, we thought that too" Admitted Sam

He laughed as he put his feet on the table, "Tony's really getting old huh?"

"Kid, He's 10 years older" said Steve

"Well, yeah but... still" he said grabbing a beer

As Wanda And Pietro Walked In Bruce Said "Your only 17 kid put that down"

"Oh come on Bruce! Lighten up a little!" Said Nat as she grabbed one too

As Wanda and Pietro day Down they took the cap of with the table and started to drink.

"Hey friends! Anddd idiot brother" said Tony as he came in

"What's this Tony?" Asked Nat

He sat down and said "I thought we'd spend a night acting like 12 year olds. I'm talking truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven etc"

They all groaned and AJ got up to leave, "Well, as fun as that sounds I have a test tomorrow"

"Oh come on we'll just play truth or dare then huh?" Said Tony trying to convince everyone to stay

They all agreed.

"So, AJ you first truth or dare?" Asked Thor

"Dare duhh, I'm not a wuss" he said leaning back on his chair

"Pick up my hammer" he said as he laid it on the table

Nervously, AJ went to the hammer. Knowing he probably wouldn't be able to pick it up he wrapped his hands around the handle. As he pulled, it suddenly flew back and hit him in the face. He fell onto the floor holding his bleeding nose, "Ah!"

Then suddenly as everyone started laughing, a rocket flew through the window sending them in different directions.

"Urgh!" AJ moaned as he tried to get up. He watched as HYDRA agents filled into the room, his hand landed on his holstered gun but then he though I have powers why would I need a gun?. Then he climbed up and started knocking the agents away, he saw Nat stand up and start shooting at them. Then he decided to go into hand-to-Hand combat, he ran at the agents beating them up.

The entire team soon emerged and started fighting, as AJ got surrounded Thor threw his hammer at the surrounding agents. Hoping to knock them away, but instead AJ grabbed it and started knocking them out with it; shocking the entire team.


Hey readers! This is well later than I expected, but it's here. And well shorter, but I had an idea for another chapter so I had to finish the one up before starting the other one so expect the next chapter to be longer. Oh and also, AJ and Wanda will be admitting their feelings soon don't worry. The next chapter is building up to the moment AJ asks her out, so it should be out soon. Should there be any other ships? Like Clintasha? Or Pepperony? I was thinking maybe Stucky could be a thing?

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