Nervous thoughts

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"Go on Wanda, it's clear you like him. And he's got loads of girls at school practically begging him to go out with them." Steve moaned at her, tired she was still trying to hide her feelings.

"He'll never go out with them, they don't like him because of personality and he knows that" she said not looking at Steve

"Exactly, but if a girl who liked him for who he is... then you would have lost your chance. Like MJ, she was his firmed when he was a Parker. What if she suddenly liked him? He knows she's like him for him and not his money" he made a reasonable point, what if AJ did find someone who made him happy; what would she do?

Then suddenly AJ walked in, "just drop it Cap" Said wanda as she went over to AJ.

"H-hey AJ" She said noticing how his abs made the top look small on his body.

"Hey Wanda have you seen my  jacket? Tony's holding a party tonight and I can't find it" he said ignoring her gaze

"If we're thinking about the same thing then it's a leather jacket and your going to a party held by Stark" she said finally looking away.

He leant Against the island, "its a casual party" he said grabbing and apple and biting into it.

"Oh, ok I might go then" she said, realising she wouldn't have to dress up

"Awww Tony will be made up you weren't gonna go" he said taking another bite "you gonna tell me where the jacket is or uhhh... am I going to have to get it from you another way" he said coming closer to her

"Uhhh w-what do y-you m-mean by th-that?" She stuttered as he came closer

He put his hand on her cheek, "I think you know what... so? Where is it?" He said moving his face closer to hers

"T-Tony put it in the washer.." she said as he laughed

"You fall for everything" he said as he left the room smirking

She sighed as she went back over and flopped onto the sofa.

"Shoulda let him do it" Cap said not looking up from the newspaper

She sighed and got up and went to her room, she couldn't deal with Steve right now. She missed her only chance. As soon as she got out of the lift she went immediately to her room and flopped onto the bed, cursing herself. Then she heard a knock at the door, it was Nat. "What?" She asked not wanting to talk to anyone

"AJ told me what happened, Said he liked it when you blushed" she laughed

Wanda sat up when she said that he liked her blush? Nahhhh she heard it wrong she thought to herself. "W-What?"

Nat Laughed At her nervousness "he said he liked it when you blush... I don't think your the only one who has feelings for someone." She said as she sat down on a desk chair and rolled over to the curious Wanda. "Just make it clear you like him, at the party tonight. Maybe he'll find the courage to do something you can't do" She finished leaving Wanda blushing

With AJ

He knew he needed to get her to notice him tonight, even if they weren't dressing up. He also knew he needed to stay clear of her when Pietro was around, Piet could get really overprotective. And if he got involved, AJ would have his head on a plate before he could get an answer from Wanda. He flopped on his bed thinking about what he can wear. "God! Why is this so hard!" He complained, for once he didn't know what to do.

He finally got up and went to the wardrobe. He chose his outfit a few minutes later, he slipped on ripped black jeans and a white top. He grabbed the leather jacket and put it on. He walked over his nightstand, pausing a moment before reaching for his necklace that had a small shark tooth attached to it. It was the last thing his friend, Zane, had given him before he went missing. He had been presumed dead but his body wasn't found. AJ has always had a thought in the back of his mind that maybe, just maybe HYDRA had taken him and he was alive. For now.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he put on the necklace on and grabbed his Adidas Yeezys. It was going to be a longggggg night.

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