The field trip

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That night the avengers would be heading off to the HYDRA base, but they would still be in for AJ's Field trip.

As he walked into school, he immediately saw Flash push Peter Against a locker. AJ skated over and knocked Flask out the way, "Hey! Hands of my brother" To cover up the fact he was a Stark, in the register his name was Adam Parker

Unlike his brother AJ was popular in the school, even Flash wanted to be his friend. "Huh, H-hey AJ"

"Only my friends get to call me AJ, and right now you aren't my friend" He said as he pulled Peter up off the floor.

"Y-Yeah, I totally get it..." Flash said nervously

He made sure his friend was ok before turning back to Flash, "Look, you may not believe Pete but the field trip to day you'll have to believe him. Cause theres no way he can fake what's going to happen today, got it?!"

"Y-Yeah uh uh A-Adam" He said as he ran off

At Avengers tower

"Ok, so a few ground rules first" started the intern "No bothering Mr Stark if he seems In a rush, and you must keep your badges on at all times as our head of security has requested"

Then AJ started to laugh causing a few to look at him, "Happy is one for rules isn't he?" He choked out between laughs

Then to everyone's surprise, the guide started laughing too "Oh hey AJ"

"Wha- How??" Shouted Flash unsure about how the 2 people knew each other

"Right, So I would like you to step through this scanner" Said the intern as she motioned towards the scanner standing in front of them

Flash obviously was the first to go through then FRIDAY said, "Eugene Thompson, Guest level 2"

"What's the levels?" Asked a random student

"Well there are 10 levels, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. The only people that have 10 are the avengers and designated S.H.I.E.L.D agents" finished the intern

Then before AJ stepped in "FRI! Don't pull anything Stark told you to"

"But Mr-" Started the AI

"No! Just please no" he prayed as he stepped through the scanner

"Adam S-Parker, level 10. Welcome Back AJ! Shall I inform 'the better one' of your arrival?"

The rest of the class gasped as the AI said 'level 10' "FRIDAY! I SAID NO STUPID THING STARK TOLD YOU TO SAY!" Complained The younger Stark

Then out of nowhere Clint Punched Away the vent, "Oh hey kids"

A few squeals: OMG ITS HAWKEYE, AHHH AN AVENGER! Could be heard through out the room.

"Parker kids!" Exclaimed the bird man as he leaned further out of the vent "Stark Told me to say-"

"Bird man! No!" AJ quickly shut up the bird

"Heyyy! He just said hi" he pretended to be sad as he crawled backwards further into the vent

"You can trick me Clint!" Peter joked knowing that's not Was Stark said at all.

"Alright well let's carry on with it then" Said the intern as they walked to the elevator

At the training room

"So this is we're the Avengers train" Said the intern

"Uh Starks rich as why doesn't he repair that dent in the wall?" Asked Flash

The rest of the group quickly glanced over to the Dent in the wall, wondering who was powerful enough to cause it.

"Well, I'm not that sure about the story behind it? AJ do you know?" The intern stated

All eyes quickly turned to AJ, who just sighed. "Well..."

" go on, spit it out Parker" Sneered Flash

"" he sighed knowing they wouldn't believe a lie or the truth "Right its Bette did FRIDAY just showed you... FRI project the training from the other day ultra HD please"

The rest of the class looked in awe as the video played before their eyes.

The other day

"Ok so Wanda, you go up against AJ" Said Tony

"Whyyyy I always loose!!!" Complained Wanda

"Your just scared" AJ Said

The class gasped as the video played.

"Go easy on her bro" Said Tony

"You worry to much" AJ said confidently as he went to the middle of the room

Then the fifth started and Wanda went to use her magic as he swirled his hands around and her hands were tied by a magic rope. He pulled her close smirking before throwing her against the wall leaving a massive dent.

"Ouch, Wanda are you ok??" He said worryingly

"Yes I'm fine, AJ. Just because your god knows what doesn't mean I'm weak" She smirked

"Ok, I'll remember that next time you come to me for help" he smiled

The video ended.

"Your am Avenger??" Asked Liz

"Yes, I'm... also Tony's brother... Parker was just a cover because he didn't want people to know I was actually a Stark"

Everyone was in shock. The amount of times they ha laughed at the 2 for knowing The Avengers... they actually did.

"So can I-" Started one of Flash's Goons

"No you can not bully Peter now" He quickly interrupted.

"Oh and what about you British accent? That doesn't make sense? I don't understand?" Said MJ

"Neither do I MJ... neither do I" He replied

Hey Readers! This was our wayyyy later than expected but there was a whole drama about a fire alarm at school, basically someone set the kitchen on fire in the food tech classroom. We had to evacuate and wait for AGES to get back inside. And someone was missing as they had a panic attack and hid in a corner in a classroom and no One could find them, it was also last lesson so we had to wait for ages to get our stuff back; I stupidly left my blazer with my phone in 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Anyway, this part was definitely longer than the last ones as I spent the whole 2 hours we were waiting to plan it in a book I had in my bag and then the bus ride typing it up.

Anyway I am open to any suggestions and have decided on a few things. 1) Liz Is going to be all over AJ because he revealed being a Stark and an Avenger. Also Wanda and AJ are most definitely going to be a thing. (They are in college by the way not a high school or what ever other people call them. Like what is it Americans call it middle school?? Thats probably wrong 😂 😂 😂

Anyway that's it for this chapter

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