Pietro Shows his protective side

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It was last period, and everyone was hurrying to their classes just wanting to go home. And while the Avengers were on a mission, AJ couldn't pay attention to what was happening in the class.

"Mr Stark, are you paying attention to what I'm saying??" Asked the already aggravated science teacher.

"Uhhhh.... no sir" he said as he was snapped back in to the real world. He couldn't stop thinking about what made that HYDRA base so special, why wasn't he and Wanda allowed to go?

"Last warning mr Stark" he huffed angrily as he turned back to the board.

That's when AJ noticed what Wanda was drawing, it was of all of the avengers fighting in Sokovia. Except it said: Parker and little Stark- England.

She saw him looking and flipped the page over to reveal a picture of him and Peter next to Big Ben.

He let out a small chuckle when he saw that Peter had webbed himself to the clock and he was flying next to him.

At the tower

Once they were at the tower Pietro was already waiting for them. "Hey! Stark!"

They walked over to him, "Yeah, Piet?" Suddenly as he finished his sentence Pietro grabbed his collar and pulled him closer, "Is there anyone that I need to beat up?!!"

"Woah woah calm down big guy! No not that I can think off!" He said as he was put down. "Jesus! God! She went to school! It was the first day no one was going to bully her!" He screamed as he went to his room

Then Pietro turned to Wanda, "did anything happen?!" He demanded to know

"No! J-just like AJ said I went to school Pietro!" She said mad with how he treated AJ "maybe you should do that too!" She said as she walked off to get changed

"You, know you say that now because the avengers aren't here. What happens when they get back? You go nervous again, what you got a crush on Cap or somethin?!" He yelled back at her

She stopped, Cap was the only one who knew about her crush on AJ. She was nervous when the avengers were there because everyone would try to get her to tell him how she felt. "They are here actually! We are avengers too Piet! So is AJ and you just treated him like Loki treats mortals!"

"Oh so you don't deny that you like Cap huh?!"

"No! God Piet you have it so wrong!!!" She finally shouted as she led the room, leaving an angry Pietro all alone.

Later when the avengers where home

"So then Little Stark, your was your day?"

He slumped in his chair when Cap said little Stark "you make it seem like I'm Tony's son!" He moaned causing all of the Avenger to start laughing.

"Alright then, how was your day Stark?" He corrected himself

"Horrible, Liz is ALL over me after I revealed I was a Stark" he complained "And I still have no idea how I have a British Accent! Was it my mother? Father? Am I adopted??" He said as he got up from his chair "I don't know!" He Laughed as he went to his room to get changed.

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