The Meeting

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The next day, AJ had just woken up to the sound of FRIDAY announcing they had a meeting with Fury. He shot out of the bed and got changed into black skint jeans, a blue checkered shirt and a black denim jacket. He ran to the door and grabbed his skate board, skateboarding to the helipad would be quicker than running.

He soon reached the helipad to see all the avengers waiting for him. He got on the jet, all the eyes were on him "What? I just woke up" he said as he Began to comb his hair.

They landed at shield HQ and ran in to meet Fury, they were already 5 minutes late and it would take them another 5 to get to his office. As the rest ran through the facility AJ hopped on his skateboard and was first to the meeting.

"AJ where's the rest of the Avengers?" Asked Fury

He laid back in the chair "just taking a few thousand years to get here"

Then as if on queue, the door burst open and the Avengers ran through. "There you are Avengers, I was worried I would have to find new members"

"Yeah ha ha, Fury real funny" Said Tony as he sat down "Any reason you dragged us out here at 5am"

"Yes... well not for the kids I guess FRIDAY didn't specify on the ages"

Wanda, AJ and Pietro all look at each other; curious. "So I woke up at 5am for a mission that isn't even mine?" Complained AJ as he sank into his chair.

"You three aren't on this mission, it's a HYDRA base, that need to be brought down."

"But Fury... I've done HYDRA bases before... like a thousand times"

Fury stood up and went liver to the window "You three go home, the Avengers will be soon after you"

Back at the tower

Still not fully woken up yet, AJ slumped on the couch trying to not fall asleep.

"Not one for early mornings then huh?" Asked Wanda as she sat near him

He jumped as she spoke not expecting them to stay awake, "wha- yeah can't go back to sleep though" he moaned as he slumped even further back

"School?" She asked nervously trying break the awkward silence

He sighed "Yeah... and we've got a field trip..."

"Sounds fun, where?"

He glared at her before answering "here"

She paused not knowing how to reply to that, "Surely the teachers wouldn't send a student on a field trip to their own home??"

"That's the thing... they don't know in Starks brother"


Hey readers! This was a shorter chapter because I was running out of time before I had to go and catch the bus, but I needed to get this one out.

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