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That night at Tea, AJ started to bond with the twins; after all they were only a year older than him.
He especially bonded with Wanda, mainly over how similar their powers are, but nether the less they still became friends.


The next day was the day they would start training the Maximoffs to become fully fledged avengers, and now they had finally found AJ a training buddy.

Expectations were high with the Avengers, recently their enemy's were learning all their tricks and being able to defend against them but now, now they had new members and AJ was finally starting to control his powers.

Now the three kids had to show they are strong enough to be on the team, and they were about to find out who was the strongest of them all.

"Look Adam, this is big and you've only just begun to understand your powers" Tony started. 'And the reason you have a British Accent' he thought "But Go our their and Kick their asses, got it?"

"Bro, I have the same powers as the girl and fire and another trick that I have up my sleeve. I definitely am the best out of them" Chuckles AJ at Tony's speech about making sure he was the best out of the three, which he was pretty sure he already was.

"Just... uhh teenagers" He sighed "go on then" Tony said as he shooed him away to the centre of the room

Then when they had decided that Wanda and Pietro would fight first,  so AJ stepped back next to Natasha. "Will either of them actually try though?"

"What?" Asked Nat

"Pietro won't want to hurt his lil sis" he paused "the question is will she fight him probably"

Nat looked up at him, as he is already taller than most of the group, "they know how important this is, they'll fight"

After the twin's fight is over, AJ gets into position to fight Wanda. Having already noticed the group's worried faces AJ glances at Wanda, he could tell she was wondering if it was for her or him. But AJ knew it was for both of the them.

Then the bell rang. She started off by delivering a kick to the face, nice hand-to-Hand combat when you have powers normally would confuse a guy but AJ had already seen that coming, he caught her foot causing her to be distracted by his quick reflexes. He quickly took the upper hand and threw her across the floor, as gently as he could but due to his not fully stable abilities it was harder than he intended. She tried to get up but stopped when she saw Pietro run towards AJ.

She tried to warn him but supervising Didn't need to, he simply just stepped backwards causing Pietro to run into a wall.

"Wha?? How?!" Exclaimed The speedster as he rubbed his head

Then AJ went to help up Wanda, "Saw it coming, you should be a bit more discreet next time" He have him a cocky smile before reaching a hand out for Wanda which she happily took and lifted her back to her feet.

"Sorry, didn't mean to throw you that far"

She looked at him in amazement "how did you even catch my kick?"

He smiled at her "like I said to your brother, you should be more discreet." He commented to which he just got a sureeeee look "ok ok, if I concentrate hard enough I can see my opponents next move"

"That's pretty impressive kid" admitted Cap

He smiled at that. Any boys dreams would to have Captain America call him impressive, even if he was Iron man's brother and an avenger. It still stood out to him.


Hey readers! I thought since it was the first day of releasing this story I would pump at least two chapters out in the same day just to get the story going. This took roughly over an hour, which was mainly because I was halfway through the weirdest conversation with my friends so it took longer than expected. Still open to suggestions, i was thinking that I might have a new agent that the avengers work with and maybe Pietro falls In love with her? I'm still going with that overprotective big brother theme for Piet btw.

The next part should be out tomorrow, it should be early in the Morning (with luck). Otherwise it will be around 4:30 ish?

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