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The battle was over, everyone suffering some kind of injury. AJ wobbled Over To Tony, offering him a Hand Up. He gladly took it, even he wasn't prod enough to not admit he needed help. He leant on his brother, stabilising Himself. "Tony? Where Wanda?" Asked a worried Vision, had a crush on Wanda and was sure she liked him back. And hated the fact AJ so obviously liked her.

"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"That's what the robot guy said dipshit" Tony said chuckling

The avengers slowly got up, one by one. Then a small groan was heard and AJ ran off to Wanda's side. She had been badly hurt, her head was bleeding and was holding her side. "Wanda!" He said falling to his knees beside her. He put pressure on her stomach, she'd been shot. She laid her hands on AJ's, glad he was there for her. Then vision came smacking AJ across the room, he skidded along the floor for a while until he stopped and sat up to see Vision now putting pressure on her wounds.

"What the hell vision!" He said limping worse than he was before. He can back over.

"You pushed too hard! When you put pressure on a wound you need to do it with love!" He said

Everyone just looked nervously at Wanda who was loosing blood. Bruce Came Over quickly. Then AJ noticed, Wanda hadn't put her hands over Vision's like she did with him. Instead they were just laid to her sides as she looked at AJ for comfort. Knowing what pain she must be in, he smiled back. Then, being the idiot he is he shifted slightly to start walking to her side when he fell onto the floor. AJ falling was the last thing Wanda remembered before passing out.

Avengers medical floor

AJ sat next to her, forcing the tears back. She had had surgery and was slowly recovering, he took hold of her hand kissing it and praying. Just praying that he would be able to ask her out, probably stuttering or doing something that was classically him; making her laugh at Jim's for being nervous. And maybe, just maybe saying the words he always wanted to hear I love you.

Then Vision Came in, he grew mad as he saw AJ holding her hand. He quickly pinned him against a wall choking him.

"H-hey vi-Visi-Vision" He chocked our gasping for breath. Slowly Wanda woke up, she saw Vision great, this guy she thought as her vision cleared. But then she saw he was strangling someone, then she noticed he was strangling AJ. She tried to talk but she only
Managed "V-vis" she coughed out, her throat dry causing her voice to come out a little raspy.

Realising she was awake, he dropped AJ to the floor. Who started to gasp for breath, he had a large make around his throat; where visions hands had been. He can Over To her and said sweetly, "heyyy Wanda, how you feeling?"

She looked between a coughing AJ and vision, "get away from me" she said

"Wanda... it's me, i know you love me" he said coming closer and taking her hand in his

She tried to move out of his grip, but it only tightened. Tear began to well up in her eyes as she realised she couldn't get out of his grip.

Then AJ stood up, noticing the tears in her eyes. "Vision, she doesn't love you... why don't you let her go.." he said calmly

"And what? She loves you?" He scoffed as he put his hand on her neck

AJ couldn't take it anymore, he saw how uncomfortable Wanda's was and just wanted to joke her hand and reassure her. So he flipped, twisted vision around and flung him towards the door. There Nat had come in and seen the scene. She simply grabbed vision and took him far away from Wanda's room.

Once Vision was gone, Wanda let out all her tears. She put her head in her hands and wept. Then AJ Came Up To Her, he took her hand. Not realising who it was she punched him, making his nose bleed. "Woah... Wanda it's just me" he said holding his noise "god your strong"

She froze "OMG AJ! IM SOO SORRY" she wept as she saw his nose

"Hey it's ok, I get it" He said as he took her hand rubbing it with his thumb "You were scared... but he's gone now"

She broke down into tears and buried her head in his shoulder, not wanting to look him in the eyes she stayed there. He put his hand on her back and soothing rubbed it. Calming her down. Then once her tears stopped, he took her shoulders and make her face him. "Wanda, look at me" he said

She turned to him and laughed while she wiped some of the blood off his face "sorry about that" she laughed again

"Why was Vision pinning you against the wall?" She asked curiously

He sighed. He thought he'd lost her, now before he could relax... he had to ask her. "Well he has a massive crush on you, as you know. I was here holding your hand, when he pinned me against a wall saying how you were his." He finished looking at the floor before looking at her "and I uhh... I thought, to myself when you wake up... I'll ask you... the question I've always wanted to ask you..." he paused.

She got nervous, was he about to ask her out? "Yeah?"

"I love you Wanda..." he smiled

"As much as that's not a question and I'd love to tease you about it... I love you too" she said her smile growing larger as he pulled his head towards her, kissing him passionately.

He smiled through the kiss, now he could relax. Then he broke apart and put his hand on Wanda's neck, "Is will you go out with me a good enough question for you?" He smiled

"I guess that's a good enough question" she laughed

He smiled at her, she loved that smile. It wasn't his fake smile, that he used quite often; or his half smile he gave almost everyone in the tower. It was his smile that he only gave her and Tony. "So then Stark you gunna cuddle up to me or what?" She asked as he laughed.

He climbed next to her and wrapped his arm around her, she leaned her head on his muscular chest finally relaxing; listening to his heart beat. It wasn't racing like she'd expected, her last boyfriend's heart had always raced when they snuggled together like that. But instead, he was completely calm around her. Something she preferred than laughing at him about how nervous he was. He kissed her head and whispered in her ear "I love you". Then Wanda closed her eyes forgetting about Vision and her brother. Never wanting the move, she fell asleep.

AJ Smiles as she closed her eyes, he knew she was tired so he let her fall asleep of his chest. He played with her hair while she slept. He swore he felt her smile as he started stroking her hair, finally he could relax and live the only way he wanted to; with her.

Hey readers! This was a little late, for a few reasons. I wrote it out and it got deleted. And my phone for confiscated by a teacher for going off on class. Only for a day though, after all he's actually quite a nice guy.

Sorry it was late. Next chapter is probably just going to be fluff. But in a love story ain't it the best type of chapter?

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