Castiel X Reader Dance

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*A/N* Hello Everyone I am trying this again, and also there is more Castiel X Reader oneshots because that was my original plan but I decided to do more characters so I am excited! Hope you guys like it!*

Y/N was in a dark gym, lights were flashing, music was playing loudly, people were everywhere, dancing, laughing, chilling, talking, eating, hiding in a corner. But you were waiting, waiting for Castiel, this was your first dance as well as his, you went outside for a moment to get some fresh air, street lights glowed as the sun set, and you shivered slightly for it was September and leaves were changing color.

You looked at your blue dress, it went to your knees and it had thin straps, the dress flowed when you spun around like a skirt and that was your favorite part about it.

Suddenly a group of girls, came up the steps of the gym, they looked like popular girls, they had very fancy dresses and tons and tons of make up on, they had their boyfriends next to them with their arms linked, then you realized you knew them, they were from your school, well when you had time to go to school.

After finding the bunker and trying to help Sam and Dean with as many cases as you can, you begged to go to school and try to graduate or maybe get your GED, finally they agreed but made sure with the principal that when they called you out of school, for family business, you got out of school.

"Well well isn't it Y/N?" Said one of the girls

"Ha nice dress, where did you get it? Goodwill?" Snorted another girl

"Ugh look at her hair gross".

"Hey back off". You hissed trying not to cry

"Oh by the way where is your date? Oh that's right you don't have a boyfriend". Mocked another

"I do too have a date... he is just late". You spoke loudly trying to sound confident

"Please, is it one of your brothers or your imaginary boyfriend?"

Everyone laughed at the comment, you felt your heart sank and tears started to flow.

"You will never get a boyfriend, you are too weird and ugly, that's why you are single". Said one of the boys

Everyone laughed again and then left you on the steps alone.

You sobbed and then ran away from the gym, you took off your high heels and ran as fast as you could, you didn't want to be there anymore. Suddenly you saw a car drive by you, you looked and then recognized it, it was Castiel's!

The car stopped and Castiel got out, "Y/N?"

You ran to him and hugged him, sobbing uncontrollably. Castiel was shocked for a moment, you guys never hugged before, so this was new, he hugged you back and asked "What's wrong?"

You pull away and looked at him, his blue eyes seemed to glow as he looked at you, you saw that he was wearing his suit and tie and his trench coat was in the backseat, you sighed and told him everything, after you were done, Castiel had a upset expression on his face, "Y/N you are crying black tears!" He said in a terrified voice, you chuckled and wiped your eyes,

"Its just mascara".

He looked at you confused and tilted his head.

"Well now I am a mess". You scoffed

"No your not your beautiful". Castiel said

You smile and then looked away, "Lets go maybe we can get a movie or something?"

"But Y/N this is our- your first dance". Castiel stuttered

"There will be others, and plus I need to clean up and the boys probably need help with something". You shrugged and started to walk toward the car, but Castiel stopped you, you looked at him and then he touched your shoulder.

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