Autumn Day Castiel x Reader/OC

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Hi Everyone! So I wrote this for a contest but to me it was to good to be left unpublished I hope you like it! -E.H.

Clara stood in the middle of a dirt trail, trees hovered over her, their leaves were filled with
orange, red, and gold colors that seemed to glow in the sunlight, a quick breeze blew on her face she shivered as her face grew cold, she covered her face with a blue wool scarf and pulled her red hat down to cover her ears.

"Clara? What are you doing?" A voice came behind her it was Castiel, he was wearing his usual outfit a black suit with a tan trench coat, but this time with a red scarf that Clara made for him.

"Cas! Didn't see you there!" Clara smiled brightly, her cheeks glowed red as she saw her boyfriend standing there looking at her with his famous confused face, she walked to him.

"I was looking for you, I couldn't find you". Cas replied a bit worried but with a slight smile

"Oh I just wanted to enjoy the weather for it's the last day of October and I've been so busy you know with Sam and Dean, and hunting that I haven't really got to enjoy the beauty of Autumn and I just wanted to do something before winter came".

"Well what do you want to do since it's the last day?" Cas asked as he got closer to Clara.

Clara smiled "Oh I want to walk down this trial, and rake some leaves and jump in the pile! Oh and find a pumpkin and carve it! Oh oh oh! And get some caramel corn and some hot coco and go on a hay ride! And *GASP* Watch Nightmare Before Christmas!!! Clara squealed with delight.

Cas then grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side "Well let's go we have about 11 hours and 53 minutes before midnight and we have some road to cover".

Clara smiled and pulled Cas down the trail till they started running, they both laughed as they tried to keep up with each other, soon they were at the end and they found a field with trees and leaves everywhere.

Clara caught her breath, her hot breathe made it look like she had smoke coming out of her mouth, "Look Cas! I'm smoking!" She teased

Cas quickly went toward her grabbed both of her hands and searched, and then searched her jacket and pants pocket, "Where the cigarette Clara?" Cas asked a bit stern and then he grabbed her face and tired to look in her mouth.

Clara laughed she then leaned and kissed his dry lips "Cas darling I was joking see?" She blew slightly into his face

Cas blushed, realizing that there was no cigarette then kissed her back, and pulled away, "Sorry I just don't want you to hurt yourself". Cas said as he pulled her into a hug.

"Awww Cas". She smiled and hugged him back.

"Ooooo Rake!!!" She pulled away and ran toward a tree and grabbed the rake and started to rake, Cas quickly followed and tried his best to scoop as many leaves into the pile soon there was a big enough pile.

"Okay Cas toss me!" Clara pleaded

"Very well". Cas picked her up bridal style and tossed her up and she landed in the pile

"Weeeeeee!" She shouted "Cas come on!!!"

"Okay" Cas walked backward and then ran and jumped into the pile

After a few jumps into the pile, Clara popped out of the leaves and saw Cas laying on the leaves looking at the sky, she smiled and laid next to him and wrapped her arm around his chest and laid her head on his chest and Cas wrapped his arm around her.

"So what now?" Cas asked

"Now we get food and hot chocolate!" Clara jumped up and brushed off some leaves and Cas got up and brushed off leaves as well.

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