Sam x Reader Christmas Time

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You were dusting every inch of the Bunker, Christmas was tomorrow and you and the Boys have been so busy that you have almost forgotten about Christmas, you and Sam and Dean only celebrated it once years ago before Dean was dragged to Hell, it seemed like yesterday, when it was just you and Sam and Dean, back when things were well some what simple, now it's a battle against God or Chuck as he called himself and saving the World.

You snapped back to reality and put down your duster and started to grab Christmas decorations, you bought some and some were left behind by the Men of Letters, you and your  sister and best friend were in the Bunker, while the Boys were out getting a Christmas dinner that you begged them to get for everyone.

"Okay I got the lights!" Your sister Kelly yelled as she started to unravel the mess of Christmas lights.

"And I am going to get a tree! We need a tree duh!" Your friend Christine yelled as she ran up the stairs and went outside.

"This is going to be great the Boys will be so surprised!" Kelly shrieked with excitement 

"I hope so". You whispered to yourself, you wanted to bring joy to Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack, they needed it, you all needed a bit of happiness, especially Sam you knew that he didn't like Christmas much and you wanted to surprise him with this and also your secret love to him.

You have loved him ever since Dean introduced him to You, you and them were just kids then....

You sat down and put your head in your hands, Kelly stopped, saw you and ran towards you

"Y/N? Y/N? Hey you alright?" She asked concerned

"I... I miss the old days Kelly". You sobbed

Kelly sat down and rubbed your arm, "I do too Kiddo".

"I miss Bobby and Jo and Ellen, and Charlie and Gabriel and...." You started to sob uncontrollably 

Kelly embraced you and cried a bit with you, Kelly missed the days when it was just "Saving people, Hunting things, The Family Business" but you all came so far and have grown and have rejoiced and mourned, won and lost so much.

"Hey we can't go back ok? and even if we could we would have never done so many things or met so many people, we have to move on, and hey it's Christmas lets just enjoy this and be happy and make memories okay?"

You wiped away your tears and nodded "Okay".

"And besides... someone might have a special someone tonight!" Kelly laughed as you blushed

"That's if he likes me back". You groaned

"You'll see, come on! We got some decorating to do!"

Hours passed and the whole library and the main room with the map, was covered with lights, snowflakes, garlands, the whole sha bang! 

Christine came with the tree and the Boys and they were star struck, Kelly and Dean were in charge with cooking, Christine and Cas and Jack were in charge with wrapping presents and that left with You and Sam in charge of decorating the tree, your favorite part.

"Hey Y/N I just wanted to say.. that you guys did an amazing job". Sam said as he started to put ornaments on the tree.

"Thanks Sam I just wanted to surprise you guys and wanted to escape from reality just for tonight and hopefully tomorrow".

"That's very kind of you Y/N, you always knew how to make me and everyone smile and bring joy to us and make our day better". Sam smiled

You smiled back and tried to hide your red face, you asked Sam if you could sit on his shoulders so you could put the tinsel on the tree.

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