Halloween Special!

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I looked in the mirror, I just woke up and my hair is a mess, Castiel hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, he was shirtless with his sweatpants on and I was in a nightgown.

I smiled as he placed his head on my shoulder, and combed through my hair, and I kissed his cheek "Good Morning". Cas whispered in my ear, I took his hand and held it, I looked at his wedding ring I gave him the day we said I do, gold with blue design, and I kissed his palm, "Morning Babe". I replied

"How are you?" I asked

"Good it's always good because your here with me. Cas said smiling

I turned around and looked at him face to face, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his chapped lips, we kissed passionately then pulled away, I bit my lip as I looked at his strong chest, I then walked away and put on my robe, "I am going to go get some groceries and do some errands, what are you going to do?" I asked

"I am going to check on Heaven and to pay a visit to Sam and Dean".

"Okay Cas, say hi for me". I replied

"I will, bye darling". Cas snapped his fingers and was fully dressed, and before he disappeared he kissed my cheek and then with a whoosh he was gone.

I smiled and then got dressed, I drove my VW Bug into town and got food and candy for tonight it was Halloween, and for a surprise I was going to dress up as my husband Castiel, I searched a few thrift stores here and there and found everything I needed even a trenchcoat that was my size, I knew that Cas would not be sure about Halloween but hey I love it!

When I got home, I opened a huge bag of candy and dumped in a bowl, and then I bought two pumpkins for me and Cas to carve and put outside for decoration, and with a Devil's trap sign on the door.

I quickly ran to the laundry room and washed my clothes for my costume, after they were done, I put them on, I buttoned my white shirt and buttoned the sleeves, after a few attempts I was able to tie the blue tie, I put on black leggings and a black skirt with black boots that went to my ankles and then finally the trenchcoat, I looked in the mirror I smiled widely I looked great, I spun around and laughed, I moved my hair to my shoulder, then I felt tired all the sudden, I took off my shoes and then laid down on my back and took a nap.

"Y/N?" I woke up to someone whispering my name, I looked and saw Cas staring at me and he seemed confused, "Hello Darling". I smiled as I sat up and stretched, "What are you wearing?" He asked

"Well it's Halloween tonight and I thought I would dress up as my favorite character.... You". I said getting up and walking toward him

He looked at me and then himself he smiled, "I like it a lot ....you look like me, I- wow". Cas laughed as he grabbed my hands, and then we looked in the mirror, "So... ready for tonight?" I asked

"Well I don't really know much of Halloween but.... I do want to try trick or treating". Cas said smiling mischievously

"Okay let's go!"

Cas locked the door to our house and I left the bucket of candy on the porch with a sign saying "Take a handful, no more please Happy Halloween!"

Then I looked at Cas and nodded, Cas cited a spell I found that would make us kids until midnight, then suddenly I felt strange and felt if I was shrinking and then poof we were kids, I opened my eyes, I looked at my hands, and my body, I laughed as I looked to be 13 years old, and then I looked at Cas he looked to be 14 years old, he was so young I barely recognized him, "This is strange..." Cas said looking at himself

"I know! Come on let's go!" I grabbed his hand and running toward the first house, I stopped in front of the door and then looked at Cas "Okay Cassy, just say trick or treat! And then they will give you candy okay?"

"Okay and- wait...why did you call me Cassy?"

I was about to answer and then an older woman opened the door, "Trick or Treat!" I yelled and Cas said slowly "Uh Trick or treat..?"

"Oh how adorable! What are you two dressed up as?" She asked sweetly

"I am an angel". Cas said seriously and I giggled

"Oh interesting and you are?"

Me too!" I said in excitement

The older woman just smiled "Well here you go Happy Halloween".

"Thank you!" I yelled and then ran off

Cas got better as we went to other houses, we found a group of kids and laughed and then we pranked people and actually Toliet papered someone's house!

Cas was very concerned and asked a lot of questions after I did that, "I always wanted to do that". I said smiling as we were sitting on a park bench and me licking a Blow Pop

"But-" Cas was about to say before I stopped him with a kiss

"Babe it's okay, I didn't do like spray paint or anything it's fine". I smirked

Cas turned bright red probably cause he was a young boy and his emotions were everywhere

Then I felt bad, I smiled then grabbed his hand "Come on Cas let's go clean up the house".

Cas smiled and he teleported us there, we cleaned up best we could and left a sorry note on the door and then we walked home, I felt very sleepy and was walking and resting on his shoulder, he held my hand and smiled, then suddenly I heard the clock strike twelve on my phones alarm, in a flash we were grown up again.

I looked at him sleepily and he picked me up and carried me home, the bucket was empty and everyone was gone now, we changed into our pajamas and looked in the mirror one last time, I smiled I was happy I was an adult again but I would always miss being a kid.

I laid down on Castiel's chest and he wrapped his arms around me, "Well did you have fun?" I whispered

"Yes I did, it was the best night of my life". He smiled kissing my head

"Me too, I love you..." I yawned and then fell asleep

"I love you too baby". Cas said as he fell asleep slowly.


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