You're Back Dean x Pregnant! Reader

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Heyo how's everyone doing?, I saw this on Pinterest and got inspired to write yay!!!

Happy Christmas!


"Dean".... you looked at Dean's dead body, ripped and blood everywhere, you could've sworn you saw bloody paw prints leaving out the door, Sam fell next to Dean and grabbed his body, he was shaking and sobbing, you kneeled down on the other side of Dean, tears flowed down your cheeks, you cried as you saw Dean's frozen face, you gripped his clothes and laid down on his chest not caring about the blood, you shook violently and couldn't hold still.

Sam looked up and saw you, you looked at Dean's face and kissed his forehead one last time, you looked down at your hand and saw Dean's ring on your finger his last gift to you, promising that you were his only girl, and that you would be his wife someday, you cried even harder, you felt dizzy and then you started to slowly black out, Sam raced next to you and held you tight and then you fell unconscious......

Four months later....

Sam checked your hotel room before heading back to his, you insisted on coming with him on this hunt and he agreed, you were fast asleep covered in blankets, "Hey Sammy, boy". He turned around and saw your younger sister Andy coming back from a diner with some food, "Hey Andy". He smiled and then looked back at you, "She's okay if your wondering just tired because you know".

"Ya I know".

"Well here is your dinnneeerrrr". She handed a big bag of food, to Sam and then went into her hotel room, "I'll see you later okay?" She asked


"By the way who's that chick over there with the dark hair?" She asked mischievously

"Goodnight Andy". He said leaving and she rolling her eyes and closing the door.

5 hours later

The door to your room opened, the room was pitch black, the person kept the door cracked so he could see, "Hello?" he whispered thinking no one was home, then he saw a lamp he walked toward it.

Then Andy grabbed his arm and pulled him away and slammed him against the wall "Watch it buddy I know how to use this beauty".  She threatened as she held a machete to his throat.

"Andy! Wait!"  Sam and Bobby busted into the room and turned on the light, "Bobby? Sam?"

"Hey there red hair". Said the person she was holding, she looked and saw Dean face to face, she gasped and looked at him and then back at Sam and Bobby, "D..D.. D.. Dean?" She stuttered as she backed away looking at him, she dropped her weapon and then jumped and hugged him, she cried and Dean hugged her back.

"Andy what's going on?" You asked coming out of the bathroom, you were drying your hair and tugging on your tight tank top

You gasped and dropped your hair towel, Andy backed away, and Dean stared at you in shock as he looked at your swollen belly, you stared back not sure what to do, then you ran to him and hugged him tightly, he hugged you tighter and then you kissed each other passionately.

Sam, Bobby and Andy, left the room to give you two some space.

One hour later....

Dean hugged you as you wiped away your tears, you two were sitting on the bed you and him just finished having a major catch up, you sighed and then looked at him and smiled.

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