Castiel X Reader Love Me Love Me

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Y/N was home alone at the bunker, the brothers and Castiel were on a hunt and you were recovering from a major beating you got on your last hunt, you were in the bathroom, cleaning up your old bandages, you then had an idea, you ran to your room and grabbed your IPod and connected it to your speaker and then ran back to the bathroom and hit play on the song Love Me Love Me by Justin Bieber.

You looked out the door one last time to make sure no one was home, you smiled and then closed the door but it didn't close all the way.

"Love Me, Love me! Say that you love me, fool me fool me, oh how you do me, kiss me kiss me, say that you miss me, tell me what I want to hear! Tell me you love me!"

You sang out loud, you had a brush in your hand you used as a microphone, you never sang around the boys for one Dean would kill you for listening to these type of songs, Sam wouldn't mind, but Castiel would be confused and would ask too many questions, plus you were shy singing around them, you thought you had a good voice but still home alone singing was better.

As you continued singing, you didn't hear the bunker door open or close, Castiel was back, the boys finished their hunt and went to go get some dinner and Castiel came back to check on you.

"Y/N?" He called out and then he heard music, confused, he went toward the bathroom and saw the door open a bit wider now, he saw you in the mirror, dancing and singing,

"Love Me, Love me! Say that you love me, fool me fool me, oh how you do me, kiss me kiss me, say that you miss me, tell me what I want to hear! Tell me you love me!"

He heard you sing and he was surprised, he never heard you sing before and he thought that it was beautiful, but he was confused who was she singing too?

He leaned toward the door, enchanted by your voice, but then he heard you sing that verse again, he then busted into the room.

"Cas!? What-" You started to say but then he cut you off

"I love you Y/N".

"Wwhhaat?" You stuttered

"I would never fool you".


He then leaned in and pulled you in for a kiss, you were shocked, confused and you were blushing like crazy, you two kissed for a moment and then he looked at you,

"I did miss you today Y/N.... A lot".

"I uh". You managed to say your face now more red

The song ended and it was silent, awkward silence, Castiel then shifted awkwardly and then apologized for scaring you and everything else and was about to leave then you stopped him.

"Cas?" You asked


" mean it? Or did you just copy the song?" You asked smiling slightly

"I..... meant it, it's just.... I didn't know how to tell you and when you were singing that song I thought...." Cas stuttered and then smiled slightly

You smiled and then walked toward him, you grabbed his hand and looked at him, "Well I love you too Castiel".

He smiled and then leaned in "Will you kiss me kiss me?"

You laughed and then leaned in "Yes and I missed you too".

You two then kissed and you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist, you two pulled away and then heard Dean and Sam enter the bunker, you smiled and then grabbed Castiel's hand and pulled him toward the brothers "Come on lets have some dinner I'm starving".


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