Casifer! x Reader

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Y/N was sitting on the couch, chilling in the Bunker, you were very bored you were on the computer trying to find a show to watch nothing seemed interesting.

You sighed and then decided to head to the kitchen for a snack, you limped, it has been weeks since you, Sam and Dean and Cas went to Lucifer for help, let's just say it was unsuccessful, and lead to a broken leg and now Cas disappearing for days, which you guess was normal but still.

You always had feelings for Cas and deep down you knew he liked you back but was bad at showing it, finally you confessed your feelings and he seemed happy and confessed as well, but you guys were very shy and didn't do much.

You two would hug and hang out and awkwardly kiss each other's cheeks but that was it, you guys haven't even held hands! 

You just shrugged it off even though you wished for more, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so you waited.

You wished he didn't disappear for so long you missed him, he kept you company when the brothers left to go on cases, he would visit and then leave if the brothers needed help.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the Bunker door open you tried to hurry to see who it was.

Lucifer P.O.V

It's so good being out again, that cage was so bothersome, and Cas oh Cas poor poor Cas so desperate to help the Winchesters and the best part is that they don't suspect a thing!

And that girl that hangs out with them, the one where I broke her leg.

Y/N? I wonder who she's loving? Maybe Sam or Dean don't know don't care, but she could be helpful when needed and anyway got to stick to the plan.


Lucifer looked and saw you standing at the doorway between the library and the room with the map, she looked thrilled to see him.

She limped toward him, "Cas! Your back, where have you been?" She smiled and hugged him

Lucifer very confused awkwardly hugged her back trying to stay in character.

"Hello Y/N". Lucifer replied

You let him go and then looked at him, you blushed slightly and then frowned

"Cas is that blood?" You asked worried

Lucifer wiped the side of his head and there was blood

"Hm must of missed a spot when I snapped that angel into oblivion".

Lucifer thought and trying to think of an story to tell you.

"Oh I got into a fight with a vampire must of really splattered all over me".

"Is that what you've been doing? Hunting?" You asked as you grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the couch and sat him down

"Are you hurt?" You asked as you went to the kitchen to grab a towel

"No I am fine thank you". Lucifer replied and then smiling evilly as he realized that Cas was the one Y/N was loving on.

"Well Cas I guess I am stealing your girl". He thought

You returned and limped toward the couch and sat down and then wiping the blood off.

"So you've been hunting? Huh I thought you would be doing Heaven stuff". You said looking at him confused.

"Well I have been doing Heaven stuff, the vampire was a surprise".

Y/N narrowed your eyebrows in even more confused but then shrugged it off Cas is just being Cas.

"Y/N?" Lucifer asked

"Yes Cas?" You asked still blushing

"I am sorry I should've done this sooner, your leg". Lucifer rolled his eyes internally

"Oh yes Cas could you? I am really tired of wearing this dumb cast".

Lucifer smiled slightly and touched your leg, making your heart beat a bit faster, a light blue glowed from his hand and then your leg felt instantly better.

You got up carefully and walked a few steps, much better.

"Oh thank you Cas! Your the best! now this cast..."

Lucifer got up and knelt down, grabbed the cast and ripped it in half.

"Wow Cas that was awesome!" You laughed

"Your Welcome". He smiled slightly

"And also Y/N... About us?" Lucifer asked a bit mischievously

You felt your face turn red and you felt your heart race


"Are we serious or just friends?"

"Well I mean we like each other and we hug and kiss each other's cheeks and hang out sometimes so I don't know I guess?"

Lucifer then walked toward you and you backed a bit against a wall and Lucifer put his arm against the wall above your head and leaned toward you.

"Well I wish we were more". Lucifer smiled a bit wider.

"Why not? This is interesting, he thought and the plan? It can be a bit... Delayed".

You felt a bit uncomfortable but a bit happy you wanted more but you didn't think Cas would say anything let alone act this way.

"I wish we were more too Cas". You replied

"Well um how about we make it official boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lucifer tried to make himself awkward like Cas would be.

You smiled and leaned toward him "I would love too Cas". You replied

Lucifer then leaned in and kissed your lips, you hesitated and then kissed back, you hugged him and he hugged you back, you two pulled away and then Cas took off his trench coat.

You froze but then he sat on the couch and motioned you to follow, you sat next to him and then kissed him and he kissed you, he put a hand on your cheek and then you two kissed more and then you two laid down next to each other closely and pulled your lips apart.

You gasped lightly and Cas seemed a bit flustered but smirked, "Wow your a good kisser". Lucifer spoke playing with your hair.

"Your not so bad yourself". You smirked biting your lower lip.

"Oh and also you look good without your trench coat sometimes". You said mischievously

"Hmm well I'll try to keep it off and not wear it so much". Lucifer smiled slightly

You smiled and then got up and grabbed his trench coat and then put it on

"Well how do I look?" You asked turning 360

"You look beautiful". Lucifer smiled and slightly checking you out, as you came back and sat down leaning you head on his shoulder.

"Cas, I hope nothing changes I hope we stay together for a long time". You said looking up at him

Lucifer smiled and said " Don't worry about it everything will be fine promise". He lied

"Okay". You smiled, Lucifer laid down and you laid down on his chest, and held on to his tie, he played with your hair as he chuckled at how dumb you were.

Later you fell asleep and Lucifer quietly left you, he looked at you one last time before leaving the Bunker.

"Too bad you are pretty cute, Y/N but your just not my type, but it was fun while it lasted and oh boy can't wait for ole Cassy boy to find out".

Lucifer whispered, smirking evilly and then leaving.

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