Jack Kline x Reader

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For my bestie CanterOnCisco ❤😉

*I added myself in the story lol*

Me and Canter were sitting at one of the library tables with Jack watching funny videos and looking at memes.

Canter of course was sitting next to him and I was on the other side of him, he was confused most of the time with the "meaning" of memes and the videos but he started to understand thanks to Canter explaining and me as well.

I knew Canter had a crush on him, but she had a HUGE crush on him, we would joke and laugh on how she called him her "husband" and I of course had feelings for Cas and we would joke about him being my "husband".

We would have our share of embarrassing each other in front of our crushes but them being angels they never understood why our faces turned red in front of them or why we act silly around them well mostly me, Canter was more braver than me, by making Jack give her his jacket and boy was it huge on her!

We would wink or raise our eyebrows at each other when they were close by or when we were being cute around them.

"So Hamilton was not President?" Jack asked after Canter had introduced him to her favorite musical in the whole world "Hamilton"

"Oh boy here we go"... I chuckled as I got up to get more snacks

Canter started to talk about it until Sam, Dean and Cas entered the Bunker,

"Hey Kiddos". Dean said to us three

We jumped up from the table as we saw that they were hurt

"Oh my what happened?!" I yelled as Dean came to me and gave me a bundle of clothes, and he sat on a chair holding his bloody hand.

"We uh found a case". Sam responeded falling on the couch

"Well I can see that". Canter said wiping the blood off of Sam's face

"What is the case?" Jack said helping his Dad take off his trenchcoat to check his shoulder that was bleeding.

Dean sat down and then looked at the bundle of clothes, I looked down and saw a small head and with my free hand I pulled away the clothing on top and gasped it was a baby.

"Omgoodness!" I exclaimed looking the baby

"What the?" Canter said looking at the baby

"Apparently vampires are killing parents and taking the babies to raise them as their own, the baby's parents were killed... we were just in time to save him". Cas explained

Canter and I looked at the baby in sympathy "Poor thing".

"We are going back out there, we got to stop them before they kill more innocent people". Dean got up

"Let me come with you I can help!" I exclaimed

"No you stay here and watch the baby and the other two". Dean replied

"But Dean I want to help please?" Asked Jack as Canter joined in

"No definitely not". Cas said

"Dean let Emily come she's ready". Sam replied

Dean sighed then agreed, "Okay Canter you take the baby".

"Uh what?" She stuttered

I gave her the baby and looked at Jack

"Take care of them okay?"

"Yes ma'am'. He nodded

I grabbed my gear and quickly patched Cas's shoulder and Dean's fist and checked on Sam, then we left and but before I left I looked at Canter and smiled and winked then closed the door.

Canter held the baby awkwardly "Hey baby uhhh boy?"

Jack went next to her and looked at the baby and waved "Hello!"

The baby looked scared and confused and started to cry " Ah no no no no". Canter said rocking the baby making him cry even more.

"May I try? Asked Jack, I have always wanted to hold a baby". He said cheerfully

"Ya sure". She smiled and gave him the baby after a few minutes the baby stopped crying

"Wow your good". She laughed

"We should give him a name don't you think?" Jack asked

"Uh ya sure what should we call him?" Canter asked

Jack thought and then exclaimed


Canter laughed and then agreed "Yes! Perfect!"

Canter and Jack sang some Hamilton songs to the baby and then soon the baby fell asleep.

Jack carefully sat the baby down on Canter's bed and put pillows around Hamilton to make sure he didn't roll off the bed.

Jack and Canter carefully left her room and left the door cracked so they could hear him if he woke up.

"Well since we can't go too far from the baby, do you want to hangout in my room?"

Canter blushed and stuttered for a moment "Um um ya sure!" She managed to say and Jack smiled and lead the way.

Jack sat his bed and motioned Canter to sit down next to him, there was an awkward silence

"I like Emily as a mother, she makes a good mother don't you think?" Jack spoke up breaking the silence

"Ya she's great, very responsible and kind". Canter replied

"Ya... And also...  do you think she likes me as a son?" Jack asked looking at Canter

"Uhhh I think so maybe?" Canter shrugged

"Hmm do you think she likes my Dad?"

Canter smiled widely "Boy you have no idea, okay she would kill me if I told you but ya she's in love with your Dad!"

Canter laughed and Jack was in awe

"Whoa now it makes more sense why she acts so weird around him but wait..."

Jack looked at Canter and studied her

"You act like that around me too, and you insist on taking my jacket and I've asked Dean about it and he said that's a girls way of flirting... Is that true?"

Canter's face turned red very red and and then breathed in and then out and looked at him and nodded "Ya..."

"So... You like me?" Jack asked confused

Canter nodded

Jack stared at her with awe "Wow... Well I guess I like you too".

Canter shrieked " What?!"

"Ya I've felt strange around you... like my heart beats really fast when I am near you and I smile a lot when I am with you'.

Canter looked at Jack and Jack looked at Canter and then they started to lean in closer and closer until they pecked each other's lips

They pulled away and Jack smiled wide and Canter hid her face from embarrassment.

Hamilton started crying again, Jack left saying he would be right back, after he left, Canter threw her face on Jack's pillow and screamed.

Fast Forward....

Sam, Dean, Cas, and Emily returned and defeated the Vamps, they found the other babies and were able to find their other family members and Hamilton was taken back to his Aunt and Uncle's home.

Canter and Jack told everyone that they were dating, Jack's three Dad's approved but I was super happy, and mad that she told Jack which led to Jack telling Cas to Cas asking me if it was true and then me confirming and him saying that he liked me too.

So wow I guess I am an official Mom now.

But now I get to tease my bestie and she gets to tease me so noice 👍


Hey Bestie!

Sorry if it is cringe and this what came to my mind! Hope you like it! Thanks for reading!


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