Chapter 1

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A/N There has been changes in the chapter keep reading to see it cover made by @DarkRose--Chan

I have permission from BOOKPRINCESS32 to use her oc and content

I have permission from BOOKPRINCESS32 to use her oc and content

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This is Pakura Ameyuri

This is Pakura Ameyuri

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"This just in. A trainer name Tobias was ambush by someone, he is now in the Unova Hospital. Wait, we are on live with Officer Jenny" Reporter said in her usual tone as a face of officer jenny appeared on a screen

"Good morning Officer Jenny" Reporter said with a smile as Jenny nodded back to the reporters

"Good morning." Jenny said as she appeared live on camera with her serious look

"Who do you think is the suspect for the ambush of pokemon trainer Tobias" Reporter asked

"There is a lot of plenty to suspect who did this because he has a legendary pokemon. But the Top 1 suspect is Pokemon trainer is Ash Ketchum, because we suspect that he wants to challenge Sinnoh champion Cynthia." Jenny responded as the reporter looked shocked and surprised at her answer

"Do you have any evidence?" Reporter asked as Jenny nodded towards the reporters as she answer the question

"Actually we have evidence that he was there, but we don't have an evidence that he was the one that attack Tobias" Jenny replied as a picture that appeared who is ridding a Charizard and has a Pikachu on his shoulder

"As you can see, we have spotted a trainer leaving at the same location where we found Tobias. We aren't sure if it's trainer Ash who attack attack trainer Tobias" Jenny said as the Reporter nodded agreeing her statement

"What did Champion Cynthia say at this?" Reporter asked the officer who obliged by responding

"Cynthia said and I'll quote "I expect many things at him, I even thought that he was kind and always determine to achieve his dream. But to attack someone so that you can get you want that's not determination that's obsession and just so that you can challenge me. That's not the Ash Ketchum I know" after that she left without saying anymore" Jenny said as the reports turned towards the camera whether is this true or not

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