Chapter 8

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I would have finished this chapter few days ago but I had a breakup and there were drama so it took time.

They thought it would be a fairy tale

(Ash quietly watching from the top of the hills as the traitors hypocritically walking through the forest like they had did nothing wrong)

No, it seems they were just delusional

(Ash's eyes was projected at the background and the said eyes opened)

They'd fix their lives

(The traitors happily talking to Cynthia in a café, not knowing that Jude was in the corner, making a call to someone as he watched the traitors)

Then be on their way to their happy ending

(Akeno watching the traitors from the shadows with spirits around her)

They shall realize life

(The traitors being defeated with a smirk by Ash.)

Was never like a bedtime story

(Ash slamming his foot and the traitors before they can react, as the scene shatters to reveal the five people standing on stones of various height, looking down at the traitors)

And then they will learn

(The camera focuses on the order of the height of the stones they are standing on. Jude, who is smirking at them, Akeno, who playfully smiles, Phillip, who narrowed his eyes, Pakura, who opened her amethyst eye and looked away, holding her left arm and Ash who glared at them hatefully with red eyes)

That PAL is no place for backstabbers

(Ash fires a gun at the screen)

And it seems we weren't prepared

(Ash practicing his sword skills, but suddenly sees a younger and a happier version of himself having fun. A distressed Ash falls to his knees in Pakura's room as his telekinesis started levitating everything around him.)

To Pay the Ultimate Price

(Pakura falls into a black pit with a silhouette in the background, while various demoniac creatures appear, as they were engulfed by blue fire.)

Can We Persevere?

(Ash stands on the bowsprit of a ship, as the other Elite members stand behind him)

Actually move on?

(Jasmine placing her hand on Phillip's, smiling at him)

When all hope is gone

(Ash walking over to a depressed Pakura sitting on his bed and tenderly cupped her cheek as she looked up. The camera focuses on her eyes as she narrowed them slightly in contemplation)

There is one thing we can do

(Shiki and Amethyst walking away from a gravestone that is placed with a bouquet of flowers)

Let's fight on!

(Ash's Decidueye battling Lance's Dragonite)

Day by day and not be consumed by our sorrows

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