Chapter 6

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Misty was rather miserable at the moment. One moment, she was enjoying herself with her friends in the region, and the next, confined to some room in the Hunter's Associations. It could've been a standard hotel room, though, since it was clean and done in colors of cream and beige. In it were a bed, a closet with a few clothing, a chest of drawers, and a bookshelf with a few books in it, a small TV (only turned to the news channel) and a desk with a computer. There was a small bathroom attached to the room.

Once in a while, a chambermaid would come with some food, exchange the dirty clothes for a clean one, clean the room, or refill the soap and shampoo but other than that, Misty doesn't have company from anyone, not even her Pokémon, since the Hunters' Association has taken them away. There were iron bars installed at the window to prevent escape.

Bored, Misty decided to turn on the TV, and gasped when she saw the footage of them breaking into the penthouse. Her faces were unmistakable while Dawn, iris, and May were not shown clearly, and the reporter said that she would be on trial for this tomorrow, when Prince Ash and Princess Pakura were free, and the reporter said that following the evidence, it was almost certain that she'd land in jail.

Out of anger, Misty threw the remote at the wall, breaking the remote,

Footsteps approached, unlocked the door to her room, and the same man who arrested her that day appeared. She learned that his name is Alexander, as the woman Kendra had called him that when they first threw her into this room, and locked the door behind them.

Alexander sighed. "Misty, we'll have to add these to your charges. You're going to have to pay for the Remote."

"How did you...?" Misty was puzzled as to how he got to her immediately after she broke it.

"In this room, you're under surveillance for 24/7." The man replied. "Started my way here the moment you threw that remote."

"You can't confine me here like I'm a criminal!" Misty shouted.

Alexander shook his head. "I'm afraid it's Prince Ash's orders. Anyway, I called your sisters, and they agreed to help you. They'll be using the money that they earned from performing water ballet shows and the Gym funds to pay for the lawyer."

"Good." Misty huffed. "About time they hired a lawyer for me."

"Anyway your trial is in the afternoon considering how busy the Prince and Princess are." Alexander informed her.

"What do you mean busy? What could be more important than my trial? My trial should be first thing in the morning!" Misty demanded.

"For your information, the Champion and the Leader has duties to do as the Prince and Princess of PAL, not just being Elites of the host region, and not to mention that Princess Pakura has to judge the PAL Contest starting. Be grateful we didn't hold the trial after the Contest." With that he slammed the door, and locked it again.

Misty grumbled, as she sat down on the bed. She'll be out of this room tomorrow anyway.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain Prince has other ideas.

Daisy Waterflower's Pokégear rang. Sighing, she wondered if it was her manager wanting them to perform another ballet show for the audience. She picked up her phone, and said, "Hello?"


"Yes, this is she. Who is this?" Daisy enquired.


"Oh My God! Ash Ketchum is calling me? What an honour! Is there anything you want, my Prince?"


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