Chapter 11

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"It's finally time for my battle with Cynthia." Ash was in the Launch Room, waiting for the time for him to step onto the platform. "Many things have happened, but finally, the semi-finals is commencing. I can win this, then I will face off against Paku in the Final Round. I want to battle her again. She was one of my strongest opponents during when she applied for being an Elite Leader during the Dragon Duo days."

"Go for it, Ash!" Espeon cheered. "We'll be with you all the way!"

"Yeah, Ash, go for it. You have their support now." Lucario encouraged.

"Thanks, guys. For believing in me." Ash smiled, just as he heard that it was time for launch. Ash stepped into the platform, and let himself be lifted into the battlefield. As soon as he was out, he realized something odd. The traitors were not among the audience. Usually, they would like to sit in front to watch the battles, but they were not even here today. What is going on here?

He didn't have time to dwell as Cynthia said, "Come on Ash, let's make this battle a meaningful one. I want you to go all out."

"And you too." Ash smiled at her. "Don't hold back."

"Champions, please send out your first Pokémon." Evan ordered.

"Ok, Hydregion, battle dance!" Cynthia chose Hydregion as her first Pokémon.

"Garchomp, lend me your aura!" Ash chose the final evolution of Gible to open the battle.

"It's a battle of Dragon Pokémon! We would never be able to take our eyes off this!" Kenneth remarked, as everyone cheered.

"Let the battle begin!" Evan announced.

"Alright, Hydreigon, let's start things off with Dragon Breath!" Cynthia commanded.

'Absorb the attack with Dragon Claw!' Ash countered. The Dragon Breath was absorbed by Dragon Claw, powering the moves.

"Scary Face!" Cynthia ordered.

'Close your eyes. Sense where Hydreigon is.' Ash thought. Garchomp nodded, and closed his eyes to sense Hydreigon. However, Cynthia was not going to go easy on Ash.

"Hydreigon, Hyper Voice!" Cynthia said.

'Jump.' Ash thought, as Garchomp jumped to dodge the attack and flew down towards Hydreigon to execute the Dragon Claw, hitting Hydreigon.

"And the first attack has been landed!" Kenneth commented, as Hydreigon skidded backwards. "With the skill both Pokémon have, it is sure to be an exciting battle!"

"Hydreigon, Dragon Rush!" Cynthia was not fazed.

'Meet it head on with Aerial Ace.' Ash thought. Both attacks clashed, but Dragon Rush overpowered Aerial Ace and Garchomp was sent upwards.

"Alright! Hydreigon, Flash Cannon!" Cynthia took this chance to attack.

'Use Sunny Day, followed by Flamethrower!' Ash smirked. The Sunny Day powered up the Flamethrower, and Flamethrower was slowly overpowering Flash Cannon. Cynthia noticed this, and said, "Stop the Flash Cannon, move to the side and use Dragon Pulse!"

'Fire Blast! Hide behind it and use Dragon Rush!' Ash commanded mentally. As Sunny Day was still in effect, the Fire Blast was enough to cover Garchomp as it met head on with Dragon Pulse. However, when Cynthia did not see coming was the Dragon Rush, which hit Hydreigon. The sheer power of the moves was clear as Cynthia noticed Hydreigon was slightly tired.

"Heat Wave!" Cynthia was not allowing Ash to make the next move.

'Surf.' Ash countered. The Surf and Heat Wave clashed, and Cynthia took this chance to attack with a Steel Wing. Though it was successful, it left it open for Garchomp's Brick Break, which Ash wasted no time mentally ordering Garchomp to do.

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